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~*Hi, welcome to my site. I hope you like it!*~

**About Me**

~*My name is Danielle and I live in Nova Scotia, Canada. I am 15 years old, in grade 9, and I attend P.D.H.S. I live with my mom, my dad, my little brother, my little sister, and my older brother <--{on weekends only}; also my 2 cats..Ginger and Alvin, my dog...Max, fishies...Goldie and HHJ, and bunch o' chickens lol. I love to chill with my friends, go to dances or anything populated with people lol, play badminton, swim, ski, talk on the fone and MSN. I am also going out with the most amazing guy ever (yes girls...get jelous lol)...Greg Ripley =). Yep that's about it for me lol.*~


The first shoutout goes to my boyfriend, Greg Ripley. I love you sooooo much you'll never know and I hope we stay together forever! (4 months and counting guys!!). Love you for ever! xox Danielle xox.

The second shoutout goes to my bestest friend, Atteia Porter. We've had our ups, our middles, and alot of downs...but somehow we still manage to be best friends. You've contributed to the person I am today, even though you'll never know it. So thanks. Lya. ~Dee~

The third shoutout goes to my other best friends, Samantha Burns "Sammy", Kristen Dickson "KD", and Ashley Grace "Ashleyeyey" guys are so important to me, Sam you give me good advice, Kristen you always cheer me up and be stupid with me (lol) in class, and Ash you share your beach facilities with me (lol) and make my summers great and you always have a smile on for me and you listen to me lol, and Joanna...even though we're drifting're always there for me. Love all ya guys!! ~Dee~


  • Animal: Cat
  • Color: Purple
  • Gum: Dentyne 'Shiver'
  • Movie: Umm I dunnoh...Grease probably.
  • Food: Pizza & Chicken (lol)
  • Flower: Roses and Carnations.
  • Season: Summer Baby!
  • Type Of Chips: Dill Pickle =)
  • Drink: Pop...Diet Coke or Sprite
  • Place: Anywhere with Greg..and the beach.
  • Brand Name: Request and 725 Original and Tattoo.
  • Place To Shop: Bootlegger, Walmart =), Eclipse...aww there's too many!!
  • Favorite Number: 8 and 7
  • Favorite Flavour Of Ice Cream: Hoofprints!


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