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Last updated 15/05/03


I have over two and a half years' commercial experience designing and building static and database driven e-commerce sites. I am proficient at 'hand-coding' HTML, including CSS & some JavaScript, and used to coding around ASP. I'm happiest using Photoshop 6, Illustrator 9.0, & Homesite, but I'll use Dreamweaver. Recently I've being playing around a lot more with Fireworks 4.0, and I like it - I can see myself using it a lot more, maybe tidying up the code by hand afterwards. On a slightly more hardcore tip, I've also been mugging up more on JavaScript (so I have some idea of what Fireworks is spitting out at me) and Perl / GGI scripts from scratch.

Much of last year was spent travelling in South East Asia - Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Myanmar... you'll be able to see/read more about that at once I have the PHP worked out - right now it's down for rebuilding.

Since coming back I've been familiarising myself with bells and whistles of Photoshop 7.0, Flash MX, and converting to CSS & XHTML. My most recent project was a redesign for; next I'm contemplating how best to update and make it database-driven (now I have Apache webserver and ActivePerl installed, hopefully it won't be long).


Contact Details

Ian Bruce
01491 612162

7 Love Lane
OX49 5RA