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Poems I Like...


~* are some by yours truly. the back-up guy why do you let her do this to you? why do you keep falling into her trap? dont you see baby? shes using you. you are her back up guy. she always puts you down, never accepted to person you are. but when he was gone, you were there. you were the back-up guy. why dont you see it? why do you let her make you cry? you thought she loved you, then she was gone, after all, you were just that back-up guy. no we are together, we all know she hates me for that, because now hes gone, and so are you, she has no back-up guy. but that doesnt matter, you deserve better then that. no, im not saying i'm perfect, all im saying baby, is that you are my only guy. romeo his deep browwn eyes enchant my mind. they fill my every thought and dream. his gentle caring voice tells me that all is ok, no wrong can happen while he is near. he is always true to himself, never letting anyone change the person he dreams to be. in his strong yet gentle arms i feel safe, while the world around us falls. with a sense of humor so amazingly original, he brightens even my darkest day. honest, caring, loving, true, warm, romeo is the one i love, want, dream and need. untitled you have no idea what you mean to me. more then the sun. more then the rain. more then the moon. more then life itself. but baby, that doesnt even begin to descibe it. i love you more then words can express. you've changed my life in so many ways. you make me smile. you make me laugh. you give me this feeling of comfort when i am in your arms. you brighten even my darkest day. i am a better person because of you. now i cant imagine life without you, it just seems impossible. like a night without day, like a rainbow without the sun. and this feeling, it grows stronger with each passing day. i love you. friends? i want to try to make this work i want you to understand i miss you but i know ill never love you that way again that doesnt mean i dont love you no, it means the exact opposite i love you more then words can express no, dont hold me like you did before but i need to hear your voice tell me everything eill be alright. i want to be there for you, but i need you here for me first,tell me that you feel the same i cant live something thats not there neither of us can. the rest is up to you im not killing myself anymore this is the last time i will ask you, do you want to be friends? friends, not a thing more? ~*these are by my friend mick THE GOD OF MY MIND every day i cut them deeper the wrists of my mind power over me my awareness slipping falling drowning in the god of my mind try to save me try to love me i promise you will fail you will only lose yourself in the god of my mind it will happen slowly you won't know till you're gone you'll be taken to drown in a memory a sweet red memory in the god of my mind day by day sanity fades hope fails love dies in the god of my mind black and red it consumes you it will eat you alive you will become nothing lost in the god of my mind no way out of the god of my mind. İmckenna meyer, 2003 UNTITLED words hurtful, hateful, painful i say them to myself each day to remind me how stupid, ugly, and uncapable i am of how i can never fix it no matter how i try in the end it won't matter i'll lose in the long run someday i'll die i'll curl up and die and no one will miss me and i know why i was no one special no one to be missed i was never worth your time i'm sorry i wasted it İmckenna meyer, 2003 MEMORY the beauty in a memory sweet and whole a memory i live there in a memory how it was is how i hope it will be things were simple they were pure the fall all around me my memories too many to count they cover me they cleanse me i keep them my heart cries for the sanity of a memory the purity in a memory İmckenna meyer, 2003 UNTITLED i've got to stop playing games it isn't right or fair so i've got to stop people are not pawns nor are they my toys we are not a players in some stupid game i am not the master i am not the player i am just a person no one special so i've got to stop İmckenna meyer, 2003 ~*these are just two more i like... Here?s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They?re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them, disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can?t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They invent. They imagine. They heal. They explore. They create. They inspire. They push the human race forward. Maybe they have to be crazy. How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art? Or sit in silence and hear a song that?s never been written? Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels? We make tools for these kinds of people. While some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. *who will love me now? by pj harvey in the forest, is a monster it has done terrible things so in the wood its hiding and this is the song it sings who will love me now? who will ever love me? who will ever say to me "you are my desire, i set you free"? who will forgive and make me live again? who will bring me back to the world again? in the forest, is a monster and it looks very much like me will someone hear me singing? please save me, rescue me who will love me now? who will ever love me? who will ever say to me "you are my desire, i set you free"? who will forgive and make me live again? who will bring me back to the world again who will love me now? who will ever love me? who will love me now? who will ever love me? who will love me now? who will ever love me?