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Trapped In My Tainted Paradise
Saturday, 19 July 2003
Completely New Outlook...thank God!
Okay, so J's leaving for BC and I've completely changed my opinion about it. I had originally said "Blah blah not gonna do anything, worried you will or w/e else I rambled on about blah blah", and now I'm all, we're not together, he's free to do what/(who?!) ever he wants and same with me! When he comes back, we can see where we're at I guess if it's worth another shot that alrite. If not, that thats alrite too. Lol wow, if I only had that kinda outlook before I went off about nothing and sounded like an idiot. Meh, good thing my good pal K brought me back to reality! Still can't shake the feeling of stupidity of saying that to him, but oh well that'll pass. Alrite anyway, I think I'm gonna hang out with C 2nite, bitch about guys, the usual haha. Alrite thats enuf for now!

Posted by punk4/crimson_regret at 12:54 PM EDT
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Friday, 18 July 2003
The New Guy...pure genuis!
Alrite, was watching The New Guy for the second time and I love it. It's the best thing I've ever seen...except for Dude, Where's My Car or Ocean's Eleven or Moulin Rouge or American Pyscho 2. Pure Genius. Apparantly tonight, I'm going to be horribly embarrassed. Bring it on, not much he can do can embarass me!'s 1:30 soon time for Pizza and Doritos. Well ackward thing of the morning...being called by both C and M at the same time on different lines. Neither of them calling eachother. Ack, why can't things go back to normal like their supposed to. C and M and me and...well if things went back to that it would have to go waaaay back to the OTHER M, refered to as M.A. Been there, done that, over it. I'm pretty happy where I am rite now, though by this time 2morrow he'll be gone. Growl. Listening to Iris (Acoustic) by Goo Goo Dolls rite now and I love it. Iris and Here is Gone are amazing. Alrite my pizza should be just about done so until later, this is it!

Posted by punk4/crimson_regret at 1:31 PM EDT
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Sleepless in Seattle...ahem...Jarvis...
Insominiacs Annoymous here I come! I can't sleep, can't eat, it's crazy! Alrite, so it's 12:43 and theres no hope in me getting some zs anytime soon so I mite as well write in my unread blog! C and M aren't really speaking as of it, which causes some problems with the deciding they'll eventually get back together..hmmmm. Today is J's last day and I doubt I'll get to see him which is depressing. I haven't known him long but it seems like it. Thats a good thing, right? :D No ones online to talk to right now, which means they are normal and actually sleep in the cover of darkness. Now me on the other hand, will probably hit the sack in a bit but watch TV and then crawl outta bed at about 12:30. Ah, to be back when I would go to bed at 12 and wake up at 1:30. 13 1/2 hours! V wants me to come down to Hagersville today to meet his friend thats coming down, but that would involve be actually being somewhere at noon and not in bed so that's not gonna happen. Next question, why am I writing this on the Internet? Meh, oh well gotta write somewhere, now that I don't have English to get it out of my system. Ugh right now I'm not too fond of the West part of Canada, namely B.C. Especially when people are visiting it for long periods of time. New band I've been listening to: Hidell. Two of the Moffatts are in it, but it's still awesome. Going Down In Flames is a kick ass song. Alrite well thats enough for now I guess, more "interesting" posts 2morrow. And I still say C and M should get back together. And I'm STILL not too fond of B.C. =)

Posted by punk4/crimson_regret at 1:03 AM EDT
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Thursday, 17 July 2003
Blah, blah, blah
First entry on here, how exciting for everyone who will read it! Namely, noone! Basically my life consists of this: Wake up, get a call from one of 4 ppl: C, M, V or J. Eat, shower, watch TV, eat, phone, Internet. Repeat. Many, many times. Sometimes I get to mix it up and volunteer at a library! Yay! Nah it's alrite, it gets me the hours I need to actually graduate. I've been spending alot of time with J lately which is great, but thats ending soon with his untimely relocating which completely sucks and I'm finally talking to M again after not for almost a week of no calling, whats up with that? He's only supposed to be one of my best friends and we lost all contact for awhile. Unfortunatly, him and C are not turning out as planned, but I've still got hope for the two of them to get back together someday. They have to, I've already decided =).

Posted by punk4/crimson_regret at 10:02 PM EDT
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