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ELHS Colorguard

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How will I ever survive?

Ready for my close up Mr. Deville

Q and A

Aren't you glad this didn't happen to you?

The Dating Game

Smooth Moves


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Things you should know

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This Guardie's guardiary


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Colorguard City!

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Happy New Year!!! sorry there hasn't been an update in so long. i've been incredibly busy, plus during the off-season there isn't much to write about. I've just now realized that i totally forgot to mention anything about our New Orleans trip on this site. Our band went this year with about 24 others to perform a pregame and halftime show for the sugar bowl. (If anyone else here reading this went, mail me or something and let me know.) We left Dec. 30 and just got back this morning at around 1:30. New Orleans over New Years is crazy, but i had a lot of fun anyway. A journal entry is coming soon!

scores to the last competition of the season are up now. *sigh* it's ok though. we still have our playoff games. (9-1 this season baby!) oh, and drumroll please! *bangs hands on desk* some lovely, lovely person sent me a dating game story! it's kinda long but really sweet so you should read it anyways.

our competition was canceled because of a huge storm that came through, so don't be expecting scores. *sniffles* that means only one more and the season's over! I did take the extra time to add two more journal entries though, so make sure you read em. also, i don't think i've changed my poll question or added a new page in a while. if you have any suggestions mail me, leave a guestbook entry, or write a comment/post a tag in my journal.

new competition scores! there's also some ranting i need to do in my journal but i can't today because i have another competition. it should be up there within the next week.

k, the new entry's there.

latest competition scores added with a new journal entry coming as soon as i can make time. i'm also gunna update the link to the band webpage. i know it hasn't worked for a long time now. we've been in the process of relocating it to run off the school's official site. : )

I've just added all of our games and competitions to the calendar, plus updated the ELHS guard page. I corrected all of our show and stands songs, and added a couple more categories to the '04-'05 part. I also finally posted another journal entry.

I've added a calendar of events (click on ELHS guard), finished my new sitting bull page (also in the ELHS guard section), and finally posted the contents of my new beauty page (ready for my close up mr. deville). as you can tell, i've been a little busy with the site. all i need now are dating stories and everything'll be finished! (hint, hint)

ok...i have an idea for a new page all thanks to Amberly from Silverado High who left such a sweet guestbook entry! notice the new "dating game" link? got any band/guard dating stories? good or bad, sweet or humiliating, send em to me! even if you just need to brag about your school's hot percussion section. i'll probably get a tagboard to put on that page too. *makes mental note* that page is coming soon so go ahead and start thinking so you can mail me! also, you might have noticed that the "song" and "stands tunes" pages are missing off the menu. i just moved em to the ELHS colorguard section to save room on the menu for other stuff. oh, and before i forget, i'm getting a notify list soon so you can sign up for it and know when i update. ; )
p.s. - amberly, do ya mind if i put your story from my guest book on the new page?

I really need some this font size too small? it looks good on my computer but i'm afraid on others it might be tiny. pretty please mail me or go to my guestbook and just tell me if it's ok. you can even go to my diary and leave a tag.
I've been making just little changes here and there to the site. Sorry I haven't added any new pages lately...I'm workin on it. i haven't deserted ya!
p.s. - I've seen on my stats that i have a lot of first time visitors that came this week. I'd really appreciate it if you'd sign my g.b. it makes me feel special. *cheesy smile*

my guardiary is officially up and running. i'm using a service through bravenet and there's two whole entries in there so far. (the first was actually written a couple of weeks ago.) there's a little tagboard on it and everything. be prepared, cuz as soon as you click the link a stupid pop-up well...pops up. it does that for the guestbook too, so i'm really sorry about that. If i could get rid of it i would!

ok, i've got a new little system worked out. everytime i update a page from now on, i'll put little stars around the link on the home page. sound good? *smiles* now notice the question and answer section? someone asked me a question about rifles with straps but i've never had them before. So if anyone knows how to help please mail me the answer. thankya much!

Whoever it was that signed my guestbook and asked me to better explain the umbrella toss, i did that for ya. (sorry if you still don't understand, i tried my best!) If anyone would like me to explain the flag moves in better detail, then just lemme know. It'd help me if you said exactly what was confusing you though. And another thing, if you guys happen to notice any typos, will ya please tell me? *smiles sweetly* thanks!

2-17-04 Two quick things: 1.) new poll question (at the bottom of this page) so vote please! it won't take you off the site. and 2.)i'll put a link to your site up, but not a banner. sorry guys, but personally, i hate them and they only make the page slower. plus, half the time they don't even show up or work. But just send me your website address and i'll be happy to put a link up for ya! : )

Well, here it is. The new template. I kept the same colors cuz i liked em, but got rid of those terrible links. now they rock and they change colors when you hold the mouse over em! woo! i'm not really "in love" with the new design but after trying millions of things i finally got tired of messing with it so i kept this one. if anybody knows how to put a scrollbar on a table please let me know cuz i couldn't make it work. *shrugs* it's prolly just cuz i'm retarded. oh yeah! before i go...if anybody has a site they'd like me to post in the links section just mail me and i'll post it for ya. well it's 10:30 and i still have homework to do so i guess i'd better go!

I finally finished that new page and got the link to it up, but i only put the link on the home page because i don't have time yet to copy the code to all of them. Plus, i'm working on a new template and i'll just have to do it all over again anyway. If you wanna check it out, it's "What's your guard personality?". And if you don't like yours, don't blame me...i researched and got personality info from horoscope websites so blame the astronomers. : ) I'm workin on another new page now, and that one will be posted along with my new template. Well, i'm out!

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