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Cokemusic Cheats

Sum cokemusic cheats for you!!! plz sign my guestbook... I need to know how to duplicate with only one account!!! Ok here are some cheats... but theyre not REALLY cheating IF YOU HAVE FRIEND TO HELP YOU 1.Make an extra account 2.Get ur decibels by e-mail (5000dB) the survey (1000dB) 4.Go to cokestudios and buy all the crap u want! (well all u can afford) 5.go on ur original account 6.get ur friend to go on the extra account in a room 8.Tell him/her to trade u all the stuff it again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again until ur happy with ar ur furni! IF U HAVE 2 COMPUTERS AT HOME 1.go on the crappier computer and go on ur original account 2.on ur good computer, make an extra or 2, or 3, or 4 accounts. 3.get all ur decibels (6000dB) 4.Go to a deserted room with your original account and ur extra 5.Trade,Trade,and Trade!!! 6.There u go!!! this is how i got cokerich...
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