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I dont wanna fuck you bitch- get off!

3 Best Movies Ever..

My Favorite Web Sites

a CKY and Bam Margera website
Bam Margera's official Website
a website about Elijah Wood
official LOTR website

Ryan: You put ground beef in his toothpaste...he didn't complain once.
Bam: He didn't even notice.
Ryan: He just said "it tastes like beef jerky." Not mad at all.
Bam: You got the toothpaste, loved it. You got the firepole, loved it. The hydraulics, him and Don Vito had a f'in blast. There's hamburgers on his ass of his jeans and he has hamburgers on his T-shirt. Phil's Hell Day is gonna be forever.
"somebody hands me a super 8 vidieo camera, of course i gonna ya know I'm gonna go nuts with it. so im runing all over the place just filming peoples faces, and this one random guy comes up to me and he's like "thats very rude what you did " so i was in a goofy mood so i pulled the camera back out and started filming him again and he tries to punch me but he ends up punching the camera and it wasnt my camera so i dont care"-BAM (Tony Hawk Pro Skater interview)
"I was just hangin' out back there eatin' a meat pie and next thing you know some guy is freakin' out about nothin."
"I don't wanna fuck u bitch- get off!"
Bam Margera BMX Joust
"What's the purpose of that?" "Becuase he's fucking brave, that's why." "Brave? I don't know about that." Bam and April Margera Shit Dive
"You look like an egg with legs coming out it." Bam Margera The King
"You smell like hot trash." Bam Margera Woodchipper
"You smell like the inside of an ass!" Bam Margera Snake River BMX
"You had your big moment on the ice? Well, it's payback time! Kicking your ass would be the icing on my cake!" Bam Margera Hockey Fight 2
"He's gonna be annialated!" Bam Margera Phil's Chair
What are you, a jerk?" April Margera Phil's Pies
