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Behind the Mask

Simple Stuff

Birth Name:

Cheryl Lynn Murray


Rhysenn,Mango, You get out of my way.


Long Island, New York


August 13th 1986

Astrological Sign:

Leo I am lion...Rawr!!!*snorts*

A little more on me

Well, most of the people I know on the boards know me as Rhysenn, Rhy,Rhy-Rhy and so on. I am basically the same person you all have talked to on there, in real life. I am not like my character though. I don't sleep around and I have no demon blood. Well, at least I don't think I do. Some may disagree. Anyhow, I usually spend my time talking to people,listening to music or going out with friends and wreaking havoc in this little town of mine. Basically, I am your average teenager. I am a tad bit insane, and most of my friends have gotten a taste of that by now. Luckilly, they haven't run off and can handle it. Usually that is because they are just as insane as I am. Another thing about me is that I love to make people laugh. I know, I am not the best at it at times but I really enjoy doing it when I am around a big group. Some of my friends here have video tapes of me doing stand up comedy but...well, those aren't going to be shown any time soon. I have many stories to tell and I am a blabbermouth so if you want to hear them just ask. *wink*


Currently, I am spending my summer with friends and family. I am going through my senior year of Highschool. I admit, I am a tad bit scared of going through my last year of school. All this means, I am going to have to grow up. That it something I have always dreaded. I admit, I can be a bit mature which is shocking but I am a child inside. I love to have fun and I love being kooky. I guess, the transition into adulthood intimidates me but we all have to do it,don't we? As long as I have those close to me along the way I see myself getting through it. Blargh....I am so corny.I really should write for Halmark.

Future Plans

In the future I hope to become a writer. Thanks to a lot of friends I have gotten enough confidence to go after my goal. Being an English teacher,however, will be my true profession. Obviously, a lot of writing is involved with that as well so I'll be getting the best of both worlds. I love working with children and it will be a blast. After highschool, I am going to go to community college for two years then transfer out to another college so I can study abroad in Ireland. All that and then I get to be what I want. Hopefully.


Ok, it's time for me to get a little corny...cornier. My friends mean so much to me. It is amazing how they can make me laugh,cry,dance,giggle and just feel great. Hell, they make me feel horrible too but that's what apologies are for. I love all my friends equally but for different reasons. I would just like to make mention of a few that mean a lot to me but, if your name isn't here I do apologise. I love you all!

Lance: You are great and I just wish you could see that. In time you will but so you know, we all think highly of you. *smiles and winks* Love you.

Tim: Now what can I say about you? Heh, you're amazing.You write hilarious things in your stories and you include me in it. I feel so very honored. You don't even try and you make me laugh and that's a great asset. I love you for that.

Allan: My favorite Mercutio. *snugs* You keep writing and being your sweet self. Or else...*eyes*

Terrence: *Sexy growl* You always did rock my socks. *snorts* Love you,dude.

Jason: I am sorry it took so long for us to become friends again. I cannot wait to make up for lost time.

Sarah B.: LLAMA!!

Sarah H.: Come here my sexy momma....*rawr*

Howard: I shall always be your mistress. Surprise!

Christine: Keep kicking ass! Just not hurts...

Shay-Shay: What did I tell you about sticking that drumstick up there?!

Scar: My darling Scarling! What would I do without your silly comments and gorgeous smile? *puts on sunglasses* They do have that special glint. *smirks*

Mojo: You are the rocknest chica on this side of the coast. You are totally awesome and amaze me with all your talents.

Alex(George): You are my odd guy friend. You attract drama and you scare me sometimes. I love you anyway and I am glad you are around. Don't ever go anywhere!

Finally...for Chris.

Sixteen candles all lit in a single row

It was his birthday in July almost one year ago.

Days had passed, stretching into months

Having the time of his life he never did think once,

Of what it would be like for life to suddenly end,

What it would be like to fall into the trend

Of people who die each year for driving recklessly

Not stopping at a sign you just didn't see.

Never does he have to wonder now of what to do

As he was the only to die of the few.

No more birthdays, no more smiles

No more crying from the daily trials.

No more playing, no more singing

No more running, no more grinning.

All that is left are the tears

Brought as those behind face their fears.

It was never supposed to end this way,

He wasn't supposed to leave on such an early day.

Age is what they say gives you tales to tell,

But there is nothing now but the chime of a church bell.

Carried by his brothers at a slow pace,

His mother behind with tears on her face.

His father bowing his head so no one can see

He should be strong but the tears are set free.

This is what was left from a simple mistake

Reality hits as he will never wake.

He was my friend who will always be in my heart

Yet it will always ache as we are apart.

He was a pain, a friend, a joker,

He was there and let me cry on his shoulder

He played the drums with a spark and passion,

He had his own little Mac Daddy fashion.

His evil grin could always be seen.

Whether he was being nice or being mean,

You had to admit no one could do it better than Chris

He tried to live his life, content, happy and in bliss.

I learned a lot from him on how to live life to the full

He dragged me to it, with one smile and a pull.

For this I thank him more than he'll ever know.

Forever in our hearts is Christopher Petrillo.

Christopher M. Petrillo

July 25,1986-June 25,2003