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The West Coast: Type Design

With today’s fast changing times and developing technology, the process of creating design happens at a faster pace. Today, people think and discuss their thoughts and opinions about a design, typeface, or logo and then it later is processed on a computer. The west coast is a place that has a high-driven technological culture and is where many popular typefaces have been developed.

Adobe Systems is a company where successful typeface has emerged. Coral Twombly and Robert Stimbach are part of this company’s Adobe type team and are engaged in full time design.

The new technologies being widely used today, such as Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop, helps designers move to new levels and opens them up to new possibilities. The 1970’s and early 80’s was a time when the computer was starting to become popular. This change of technology that took place opened people’s eyes to new possibilities to what the world offered. Many agree today’s technologically driven society can help open up doors to a brighter future. Nicholas Negroponte is a director at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In his book, Being Digital, he feels that it’s important to try new things and not to stick with old routines. He devotes his time to exploring the means to newly developed technology. To him, machines can be helpful in capturing the human imagination.

“[A] new generation is emerging from the digital landscape free of many of the old prejudices.” (pg. 2 Internet)

The Future:
For the future, technology will only continue to develop to greater standards. We, as a society, must be able to work alongside each other, be influenced by one another and accept the changes that take place in the world. And also in what technology has to offer.

Examples of Typefaces designed by the Adobe System’s Type Team:

  1. Lucida: (designed by Carol Twombly and Dan Mills.)
  2. Casion: (designed by Carol Twombly.)
  3. Garamond: (designed by Robert Slimbach.)
  4. Trajan: (designed by Carol Twombly.)
  5. Lithos: (designed by Carol Twombly.)
  6. Charlemagne: (designed by Carol Twombly.)
