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Updated January 2003
Alrighty, hicksville food not bombs here cause i mean i do the site and i know its rarely updated but whatever. We have even more help coming in now, my freinds brian, brian, and chris are also helping hicksville out with driving and picking up food and shit they helped us so much it rules. Also brians girlfreinds fathers diner is also hooking us up with leftover breads and hot soups wich totally rules. Thats about it for now not too much news, check out the links and shit like that whatever peace.Other news is that port jeff and another food not bombs are back up and stuff so if anyone has any info on eithr of those or any other long island chapters email me at

What Is Food Not Bombs

Food Not Bombs is one of the fastest growing revolutionary movements active in North America today and is gaining momentum all over the world. There are hundreds of autonomous chapters sharing vegetarian food with hungry people and protesting war and poverty throughout the Americas, Europe and Australia. The first group was formed in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1980 by anti-nuclear activists. Food Not Bombs is an all volunteer organization dedicated to nonviolence. Food Not Bombs has no formal leaders and strives to include everyone in its decision making process. Each group recovers food that would otherwise be thrown out and makes fresh hot vegetarian meals that are served in city parks to anyone without restriction. The groups also serve free vegetarian meals at protests and other events. The San Francisco Chapter has been arrested over 1,000 times in an effort to silence its protest against the Mayor's anti- homeless policies. Amnesty International states it may adopt those Food Not Bombs volunteers that are imprisoned as "Prisoners of Conscience" and will work for their unconditional release.