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A little about me

A little about me...

My name is Anna and I am the proud mama of a sweet little girl named Cecelia!!

She and I, and her daddy Jake, live in Minneapolis, MN, which I love, except for the cold. I am a Stay-At-Home-Mom (which I think is the best job in the world!) and I also make handbags, crafts and other artsy things that I would one day like to sell. So far though, I just give what I don't keep for myself to friends. I love to scrapbook and right now am in the midst of working on Cecelia's baby album. I also love to shop, especially at Flea Markets, Thrift Stores and, of course, Garage Sales!!! Gotta love a good bargain! I also am fascinated by other cultures, especially the ways that religion manifests itself in those cultures. I think if I were to go back to school I would major in Religious and Cultural Studies. But right now I am too busy being a mom for that! :)

Speaking of being a mom... my basic parenting style can be classified as "Attachment Parenting." You can find out more about attachment parenting at  I practice attachment parenting because I feel that raising Cecelia, and my future children, is the most important thing I will ever do so I am going to put everything I have into it!

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