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Some call JRR Tolkein's "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy one of the most important written works of the 20th century. In light of this, it's easy to see why attempting a videogame version of Tolkien's sprawling epic would be a herculean task. This week on "Extended Play," we look at developer Surreal Software's valiant but flawed attempt to bring the first part of the story, "The Fellowship of the Ring," to the PlayStation 2. Don't look for any Elijah Wood or Orlando Bloom look-alikes here. The Universal Interactive games are based directly on the original novel "The Lord of the Rings," which means that several scenes and plot points excised from the film version will remain intact here. Be advised that the rest of this review does contain spoilers for those who have not read the book. Bland visuals and sound Running on a modified version of the "Drakan" engine, "Fellowship" isn't going to win any awards for the best-looking PS2 game. Even in green and supposedly lush areas like The Shire, the world of Middle-Earth appears washed out and a bit muddy. Character models are passable, although stiffly animated, and the game tends to become choppy when more than five characters are onscreen. There are a few clever lighting effects, such as Gandalf's glowing staff in the Moria sequences and the soft light given off by Frodo's Elvish blade, Sting. Overall, however, "Fellowship" is visually bland. "Fellowship" doesn't fare any better aurally. The music is forgettable and a bit annoying at times during battles, but the ambient sound is well done. Rural areas feature convincing forest sounds. The caverns of Moria echo with Orcish war drums. And Lothlorien is filled with the laments of Elvish singers mourning the Fellowship's loss at the Khazad-dum bridge. Voice acting is uneven, ranging from fine performances by Galadriel and Gandalf to the embarassingly bad musical stylings of Tom Bombadil. The latter would be difficult to pull off in any regard, of course, but the actors almost sound like they're making the melody of the Bombadil songs up as they go. - X Play review October 2, 2002

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