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B.I.B. Up Close and IN YOUR FACE!

Hey B.I.B. fans!

This is our new page. Check it out for updates, lyrics, and other shit we may feel the need to put in here. For those of you that are not yet loyal fans, we're just a little punk-ish band from Massachusetts just looking for a good time.

What's that? You want to know more about us?? Well just check out our bio page OR take a gander at our other site. Those hold more info that we're sure you possibley wanted to know.

Yeah well...that's all there is for the intro page. Piece in and keep it fake. Lata dayz!

Your local B.I.B.
Emily, Kim, Danielle, Jess, Alyssa, Jackie, Alyssa, and Britteny

Fans who have already been here
Claim yourself as a true B.I.B. fan!

Our other page!
B.I.B.'s bio & Contact Information
B.I.B. member bios (catch us if you can!)
Pictures of us and the people we know and love
More pictures!