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No one to hold me
No one cares
No one hears my cries
No one will miss me

Blood runs over my naked body
Oh shit! What have I done?
I jump up to find my clothes soaked in blood,
scattered around the floor, Running to the
bathroom, All I can think is not again.
I look in the mirror to see my bloody face and nose. I scream. I panic...
I awake in a white room, scared but clean. I look at my wrist to see the tape and bandages..
FUCK! I failed again!!!!

You Twisted My Way Of
You Twisted My
You Twisted Me

Her Spots Dot Her Pale Face.
When She Smiles, They Sparkle
She Hates Her Spots, Until The Day He Looks Into Her Eyes And Kisses Her Spots.
She Blinks.
He Smiles.
Till This Day, He Loves Her Spots, And For The First Time, So Does She.

"Go to Hell" I scream.
Not really meaning it but realizing that a second to late.
I run outside to the car.
Only to find you waiting for me, with that sad look on your face.
That look softens my anger..
I hop on the hood of that ugly green car and lay my head in your lap...
I'm so confused, I reply. I shouldn't feel this way but I do... What's wrong with me?
Nothing baby you whisper in my ear.
The feeling of your hot breath causes my body to tremble.
I still love you I blurt out..
I know. I never stopped..
I sit up completely shocked at what you just said.
I put my back against the car and stare off into space.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see you staring at me.
What is it? I demand.
You look at me a few more moments before answering me..
Brittney, your voice shaking a little, I just don't want this moment to end.
I put my arms around you, squeezing you.
I feel a tear hit my shoulder.
I gently lift your head up and kiss your soft lips.
For once, Everything is okay.....

The Truth Is I Love You
Even Tho We Have Completely Different Tastes
The Truth Is I Need You
Even Tho We Never Get Along
The Truth Is I Miss You
Even Tho You Don't Miss Me

In A Instant
A Flash Of Light
You Left
Without A Goodbye
From Me
I Felt Pain
But Most Of All
How Could You Leave Me?
Only 12
All By Myself
But In The End Of That Instant
I Knew I Was Okay

Torn To Shreds
My Insides Laying By Your Feet
Blood All Over Your Hands And Shirt
You Look At My Lifeless Body
Realizing YOu Never Did Love Me
You Just Used Me For Your Own Purposes
You Blame The End On Me Knowing I Did Nothing Wrong
But You Are Too Wrapped Up In Your New Lady To Care
You Dump My Bloody, Ripped Body In A Nearby Dumpster
Taking One Last Look At My Cold Blue Eyes
You Realize How Happy This Has Made You

He built me up to bring me down
Beat me up without using his fists, never allowed me to take any risks
Called me ugly and weak, never allowed me to speak
Taught me to hate and lie, to my family that stood by my side
Hid me from his friends, because he thought I was a sin
Always thought of me last, never cared to ask
About anything that mattered…

Rich Preppy Girl

Rich preppy girl
tries to be punk
gets her way
makes friends with her allowance
And still has plenty of time
To write poetry about her sad pathetic life and how
horrible it is to be a young adult in a world of Britney Spears and other pop princesses.
Rich Preppy Girl,
Just Because...
Just because im drug free, doesnt mean i'm a loser.
just because im not a size zero, doesnt mean im not beautiful.
Just because im not 21, doesnt mean i cant have fun
Just because i have morals and very strong values, doesnt mean im wrong and you're right
Just because im young doesnt mean you can look down on me.

Valentine's Day
Cold and calm on valentines day
Who would have thought you'd died this way?
Early in the morning you took your last breath
When i heard the news i felt like someone had stabbed me in the chest.
All alone in a big scary house, no one to guide or comfort me, so i guess this is how it's supposed to be.

"Banned because of My Feelings"
I'm b@nned from expressing myself, while Kings, Pearls and Childs roam free.
How dare they critize my work?
I put my TRUE feelings on the paper with the same devotion they do, so why or how am I any different?

I pray to a god that i've never heard, seen or believed in.
he never answers my prayers, he kills the people i love, he lets people hurt me.
What kind of god is this?

My body yearns for the drugs
Xanax, OxyCotton,Pot, And So Many Others
The twitching, Itching, Aches and Pains are unbearable.
I pray for a regular life where this doesnt exist, but sadly it's just a dream.

All Poems Are Original and Written by Me. (Brittney)