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Brittany boyd

Age:18, birthday September 10th Year: 7th House:Hufflepuff Wand:Oak, dragon heart string, 9 inches Pet: A plain, grey rat named Albert. He is extremely loyal to Brittany, and doesn't trust other people. Blood: muggle parents, a mudbood Family: Brittany was born into a muggle houdehold. Her parents are very wholesome and pure, stereotypical Brady Bunch parents. Brittany also has a five year old sister,Sarah, who is unusually polite and respectful to everybody and wouldn't hurt a fly, unfourtently,now, she is to spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair due to a car accident involving Brittany. History: Brittany lived in downtown Boston her entire life, in an average apartment with her family, fairly privledged. She got her letter from the american wizarding school, and her parents always treated her right and normal, despite the fact that she was different from the rest of her family. She never really got along with other wizards, beng completely muggle and still hung out with her muggle friends constantly. Well, when Britany was around 13, her friends and her were introduced to the party scene, and Brittany's life went downhill from there. She got heavily into drugs and alcohol, and was out every night that she was home. She was perky, pretty partier, until she got way into the heavy stuff and started to lose all control of her life. She would wake up in the morning, having no clue what happened the night before and became extremely addicted to heroine, crack, and pot, and raging alcoholic. A month before her 18th birthday,now no longer her beautiful self because of the deterioration caused by the partying, after another heavy night of partying, she randomly decided to take her little sister to Chuck E. Cheese. She was driving her sister in the car and got into a horrible accident, injuring her sister to the point of paralyzation, and leaving scars across her chest and down her leg and the most horrible memory of her life. Her wholesome parents couldn't take having Brittany in the house anymore, so they kicked he out once she turned 18. With the little money her parents gave her, Brittany bought a plane ticket to London where she would attend Hogwarts, trying to get away from her past life. Now she is homeless and moneyles in a foreign country. Now that she's gone from home, she is battling from her addictions, with random spells when she just needs to feel the drugs again, though she just wants to becaome clean and to prove to her parents and sister she had the capability of change. Physical description: Brittany's face is framed with Dark brown,thick, straight hair past her shoulders. Her face is pale, except for a little pink on her cheeks and her constantly red lips, as if she were just sucking on a lollipop, giving her the appearance of a porclain doll. Her eyes a typical light blue, but now they are a bit blood shot and surrounded by dark circles, from her constant insomnia due to her nightmares from the tragic night. She has average height, but her frame is tiny. She lost a lot of wait after she decided to become sober, her 5'6" body only weighs 100 pounds, and she looks as if she were to break if anybody touched her. She used to be normal and pretty with a nice body, but now she's wasted away. Personality: Brittany used to be very social and outgoing, but now is quiet and kept to her self. She doesn't care about anything, including school, and is usually in deep thought. The only smile you would get fom her is a slight upturn on the corners of her mouth, people didn't see her teeth, and her eyes always seem to express pain. Distinguishing marks: The 10 inch diagonal scar across her chest and a foot and a half long scar around her calf from the accident; Scars on the inside of her elbows from needles; a 3" long plain black star tatoo on the back of her neck; and a tongue peircing.

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