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Update Page

Video Previews
Random acts of Stupidity
Sleeping War
Shopping Carts
Yelling things out of a car
Bush Hiding

Still Image Gallerys
(More comming soon we can count)

Still Picture Gallery 1

Since BOYS GONE WILD is still being shot, if you have an idea for a stunt or a skit, or anything else please submit it into the guest book below, or if you dont want it posted on this site, send it by email by clicking the Feed Back button, all sugguestions will be read and replied to if you leave us an email address.

Read Sugguestions
Submit a Suggestion

Click here to submit any ideas you have for Stunts and/or Skits - Thanks

Play The orginal Pack man

Ok, this is your last chance. E mail us here even though you could just hit the feed back button...