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*Callie Ballie Boo*

7/29/03 - 8 more days until I'm 18.. I can't wait!! This month has been interesting.. I dyed my hair red, I'm quitting my job, or will get fired.. and I'm going to a different college.. YEA! I'm slowly getting out of my punk music and listening to more of Joe's cds.. so it's cool.. I never talk to anyone from school anymore.. I guess I'm growing apart from them faster than I thought.. times change, people change.. it's an ongoing cycle... well anyway.. I need to do some stuff.. BYEBYE!

Download this: Less Than Jake- "The Science of Selling Yourself Short" TOODLE TO THE OOO!

7/8/03 - Another month gone by wayy too fast.. let's see.. work.. nothing, a little work.. then nothing.. work sucks, i want to quit every time i'm scheduled... well soon enough! I saw Terminator 3, july 4th.. it was awesome!! Special effects were AMAZING.. and it pretty much was a special effect movie.. right now it's 12:08 p.m... and I'm listening to a best of In Flames cd Joey made.. it's great.. he should be happy i'm listening to it! :) Anyways.. time for a shower! :) BYEBYE!

Download this: The theme to "The Price is Right"

6/18/03 - I'm a high school graduate. I made it through 4 years of a shit hole!!!!!!! :) This past month has been amazing. It's been everything I've ever wished, and imagined. Being here has been an experience I'm thankful for. I have "little brothers"... hehehe.. :) Yeah but anyways.. umm.. I saw a couple of movies.. 2 Fast 2 Furious cool movie.. and Dumb and Dumberer that was funny, but not as good as the first!! :) anyways.. I'm leaving.. Take care.. toodle to the oooo!

To Joe: the storm is back tonight so how could i awake without you here... your pictures on the wall you haven't called but i'll wait for you.. to her own reflection, she says i will hold on to her own reflection, she says i will be strong the storm is letting up but it wont die if you weren't wrong was i you picture still remians but i wonder are you still the same... i'm waiting i've waited till it's over it's over now- Finch *My heart Joey- You will always be that guy I gave up everything for...I love you more than words can explain. I fall in love with you again and again everyday when I wake up beside you. I love you Joey...I love you.*

5/16/03 - Well it's been a really weird last few weeks.. I moved out of my house into Joe's.. :) YEA! :) It's awesome, great, and I'm happy all the time!!!!!!! I would like to thank my friends for getting me through all of this.. without them, I dont know where I'd be... and Joe.. jesus, you were my number 1 supporter.. I love you with all my heart. Okay, um, I saw Matrix Reloaded, it was AWESOME! But the ending pissed me off.. okay, well time to go do something.. :) Thanks to everyone who understood...I can't thank you enough.. byebye.. I love you Joe! :) Toodle to the O'!
4/27/03 - It's been awhile.. it's 12:03 am.. so it's Sunday.. Friday night I had the pleasure of going to see Hot Rod Circut, Less Than Jake, Good Charlotte and New Found Glory. That was an unbelievable experience.. I also got to hang out with my Joey, and feel a lot of boobs...not by choice or anything....haha.. anyways.. hanging out with Joe made the whole night better...I felt loved again.. I felt safe.. all this shit seemed to go out of my mind for like 4 hours.. Oh, and finding out you're being kicked out on your birthday, even though you already planned on leaving, is pretty weird. Um, I guess my parents want some sort of control of a situation that was already gonna happen. Pretty fucked but what do I know? i'm just a kid in love.. excuse me, a "stupid" kid in love. But the thing is, haven't you ever had that feeling, the one where you just know that this is right? Well I have that feeling about Joe... :) Well this was supposed to be my vacation week that went by too fast, but I guess that happens to people who have nothing to do. It's 12:44 p.m now...i'm breathing in fumes from something, and listening to the transplants.. wishing it were august or my graduation... oh well.. umm.. Joey I love you with all my heart, I miss you so much!! Friday was one of the greatest nights!!! I love you so much. I'll talk to you later...

Download this: Reggie and the Full Effect- "Congratulations Smack and Katy" and "Thanks for Stayin'".. Okay, Toodle to the O!!!!

Quote of the Day: "Hold on if you feel like letting go Hold on it gets better than you know Don't stop looking, you're one step closer Don't stop searching, it's not over Hold on if you feel like letting go Hold on it gets better than you know Hold on" - Good Charlotte "Hold On".. I love you Joe

4/15/03 - A week gone by...full of headaches and knee aching! YAY!.... My headaches are slowly coming back, it sucks.. and I miss Joe. Fuck you all if you can't stand to hear this shit, I could give a fuck. Joey..I miss doing nothing and everything with you.. I miss being held by you while we watch something.. or just do nothing. Lately I've been very frustrated.. I'm told one thing, then I guess lied about another.. not by you... but you know who. One of these days I'm going to crack.. I guess in a strange way, I feel it coming on.. I miss holding your hand..because that hand is so strong, and so nice...and so comforting. I hate all the couples.. then I just begin to hate myself for what happened.. Even though it's in the past, I still blame myself, for making things so able to get into.. Well now you're seeing I.C.P...I hope you have fun, and at least get to see some tits...but don't like them too much...hehe.. I joke! :p...I hope they looked somewhat decent... hehe.. moving on!!! Surprising as you'll be, Hatebreed has been my choice of music all night.. yeah I know! After all the times where I "thought they were loud" I'm beginning to enjoy 'em! Cause all I wanna do is scream...I'm kinda depressed, and my headaches keep coming back...Joey get this song.. "Nothing compares to you"- Me First and the Gimmie Gimmies. Cover of the Sinead O'Conner song.. it's might make you depressed though.. I'm sorry if it does..well.. I hope you had fun at the concert, and you got home safely...I miss you and I love you more than life sweetie. Goodnight... I love you!!!
4/8/03 - Another boring week...I miss my sexy ass Joe... yeah this is all about Joe right now, if you don't like it.. Fuck off. :) Thanks! Joe: I feel like one of the luckiest people in the world with you by my side.. well... not entirely by my side.. not yet anyway. I think about you constantly...You have no idea how much I'd like to kick the shit out of every couple who are holding hands or kissing... anyways, I checked out your site.. and left a special note for Nigel and Gerald, I think you'll laugh :) Thanks for sticking by my side through all of this.. I never thought I could be so happy with someone.. but you have proved me wrong. I love you with all my heart. I'm going to go now sweetie... byebye.. I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4/1/03 - It's been like a week... yeah.. things are getting better.. I still miss you Joe. Tomorrow it'll be 1 yr and a month... even though it doesn't feel like it... I love you with all my heart... You are my heart. Yea, stolen line from a movie.. but it's true Joe. It's true, I would never lie to you about that, or anything. You are my best friend, and I'm thankful for knowing you... I love you so much.. and I miss you soo much.. I miss kissing you, I miss loving you... I love you Joey. I love you.. I'm gonna go now... I love you!!!!!!!!!! byebye baby!! I love you.
3/23/03 - Yeah, I haven't written for 21 days.... I just wanted to say I love you Joe. I miss you sooooo much. I will see you again..I'm not leaving you, I never plan on it. I hope you know that. Um, no funny things have happened.. pretty shitty, pretty watched, and "protected"..... ummmmm.. I love you so much. There's so much I wanna say, I'm sorry for what happened. This has been the hardest few weeks of my life. But no one will stop me from seeing you. No one. I will not listen to the bullshit they give to me. You are getting me through this...whether you know it or not. I have realized that you are the most important thing in my life. You are my first, my last, my everything. I miss you so much. I miss everything about you. I miss being happy most of all. Yeah, I'm being told I need to make myself happy.. but it's kinda hard when I'm being told that I can't see the one person I've ever loved with all my heart. Listen to Aaliyah's "Miss You"...I love you beyond words, I love you so much Joe. I miss you.. I hope to talk to you soon.. Bye baby. Take care of yourself, and know that I think about you all the time... I love you. byebye..
3/2/03 - Today is my 1 year anniversary with Joe. It's pretty crazy.. but I loved every minute of last year.. and I'm sure I'll love every minute of this year. :) I hope everyone finds what I have found.. I'm being completly serious.. we're very lucky to have found each other.. it all started out on my friend Crystal lying to me.. but it was worth it.. Thank you Joe for a great year.. I'm looking forward to the future :) I love you so much. But getting off the love for now.. hehe.. I saw Old School.. 2 fridays ago.. it was a really funny movie!! You should go see it. And last Friday I saw Cradle 2 The Grave.. that was an awesome movie also!! A lot of action.. it was cool!!! And this Friday I'll be in Boston watching Sum 41, The Starting Line, No Use For a Name, and Authority Zero.. My second concert with my man Joe and my buds: Aaron, Brandon and my first concert with Nick! It's going to be a pretty intresting, cramped ride down.. but it'll be worth it!! Anyways.. I'm outta here.. Joe I love you.. hehe.. and take care.. byebye!

Download This: The Used - "Buried Myself Alive"

Quote of the Day: "Now they show you how detergents take out bloodstains, a pretty violent image there. I think if you've got a T-shirt with a bloodstain all over it, maybe laundry isn't your biggest problem.Maybe you should get rid of the body before you do the wash." Jerry Seinfeld.

2/20/03 - vacation is half over.. sucks.. but yesterday I bought Vans Warped Tour 2002 Compilation.. it's AWESOME! 7 bucks for 2 cds, and 50 songs.. it's awesome.. it was totally worth it!!! I had the pleasure, the honor to see the real Snoop Dogg.. the legend was true.. he works at Wal-Mart in Bangor.. I'm very lucky... I can die happy now. I was very touched to see that man.. he sure knows how to sell those electronics.. I also had the pleasure of seeing an old man watch me kiss my boyfriend in the parking lot.. creeepy.. Old Men creep me out... yeah so I just wanted to share that.. :) Other news: had an awesome day with Joey :) and I found Blanko Meow!! He was in front of my face the whole time!!! YEA! Also to those movie fans.. watch this...Vampires: Los Muertos.. you get to see the wonderful acting by Mr. Jon Bon Jovi... I'm telling you.. you'll laugh.. and you might even shed a tear... I know I did... Okay, I'm out of here.. it's 11:30, and my ass wants to be in bed.. nighty night!!!!!!!!!!!

Download this: Bon Jovi - "Misunderstood"

Quote of the Day: "We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd be millionaires, movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. We're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off." - Tyler Durden, Fight Club.

Interesting Factoid: Tokyo was once known as Edo. AND - The pin that holds a hinge together is called a pintle. Yea.. it's late, I'm blamming the tiredness.. BYE

2/16/03 - IT'S VACATION!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!! Oh and Valentine's Day.. My BEST EVER, EVER, EVER.. I had a really great time spending my afternoon with Joe.. it was awesome :) we saw DareDevil.. it was really good.. and it was a lot of fun :).. a year ago on Friday I told him I liked him.. I was called a pussy by like all of my friends.. and i'm so amazingly happy right now with him :) so yeah I'll stop hehehe... I might go to bed.. so yeah.. take care.. toodles!!!

Download This: Good Charlotte - "Bloody Valentine"

Quote of the Day: "...If you like Gerald, go buy my CD, I'll fill if with a present.. my vomit and my pee." - Gerald Ulestra

2/12/03 - I love getting bitched at for NOTHING.. don't you? Holy shit I can't wait to leave here.. hopefully I don't end up homeless or something.. ooo The Sums on Much Music... I get to see them March 7th.. along with The Starting Line, Authority Zero, and No Use For A Name. Sweet deal..The fake sound of progress... lost prophets cd.. it kinda fits everything right now.. okay well toodles. i'm outta here.. Joe, I love you very much.. I'll talk to you later sweetie! :)

Quote of the day: "Maybe there is no actual place called hell. Maybe hell is just having to listen to our grandparents breathe through their noses when they're eating sandwiches." -Jim Carrey.

Download This: The Used - "The Taste Of Ink"

P.S.- Extra Quote: "Do you care if I don't know what to say? Will you sleep tonight or will you think of me? Will I shake this off pretend its all okay? That there's someone out there who feels just like me...There is." - Boxcar Racer.. well i'm off for more bullshit.. see ya.

2/10/03 - Another week... only a few more days left until VACATION! YEA!!! But recently I've been under the conclusion that it sucks to be 17. Because I'm told what to do all the fucking time, oops.. I have to watch my fucking language for some stupid ass reason, and I say "Fuck that" or censored "Fudge that"... I'm writing a research paper on censorship, and it's just pissing me off more and more that government, teachers, parents, are shoving this "NICE" shit down my throat. I'm supposed to act "lady-like" well lady-like can kiss my ass. And it just is making me even more angry that being a girl and 17.. is beyond re-god-damn-diculous. For those of you that don't have the pleasure of knowing what it's like... you're lucky... you're fucking lucky and you can eat shit and die right now. Along with all the other assholes who are pissing me off.. Alright, well off I go to have a great night of HOMEWORK! I wanted to state my opinion for the day.. Joe: I bet you're happy I'm so pissed at everyone, right? well whatever :).. I love you babe! And to everyone else, I hope your days have been going much better than mine.. TOODLES~

Quote of the day: "Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Mother Fucker, Tit, Fart, Turd, and Twat"- "Family Reunion"- Blink 182

Download This: Lost Prophets - "Shinobi vs. Dragon Ninja"

P.S.- If you want to hmm.. let's say you want to dye your hair.. well how bout this.. DYE IT.. do whatever the fuck you want to it, it's yours.. you deal with it afterwards, no one else.. oh, and if you want something pierced, tattooed.. go for it. Don't let anyone stop you.. Better yet.. with anything.. "Don't ever let anyone tell you, you can't have what you want."- 10 Things I Hate About You.. good movie.. yea anyways.. BYE...

2/3/03 - Yeah, it's been like a week since I did anything to this.. yesterday was my 11 month anniversary!! :) It's pretty crazy, cause it doesn't seem like it at all... I'm very happy, and very lucky to have found someone like Joe. :) I love you soooo very much.. so yea... umm.. things have been kinda shitty lately.. and hopefully I'll be able to get out of this situation soon... anyways.. I'm looking up sites on censorship.. I want to do a reseach paper on how stupid it is.. anyways.. that's all for now kids.. see ya! t.t.f.n

Quote of the day: "Man, Daddy's gotta butthole on his face! Yea, you can blow your nose and wipe your ass at the same damn time!"- Me, Myself, and Irene.

Download this: Trapt "Echo" (a special thank you to Joe for showing me this song... i love you...)

1/27/03 - Oooh, back to school.. back to school.. today sucked.. but that's okay.. the usual happened, fart jokes and Austin Powers imitations! :) okay, t.t.f.n! :) I wanna say something else.. Sweetie: I really don't know where I'd be without you. All the laughs, all the smiles, all the tears.. have meant more to me than anything on this earth, more than music.. everything.. you better fucking know that. I love you so much.. yeah, to all of you single people out there.. there is hope.. I found the best thing in my life right next to me... I wish you find the same... bye..

Quote of the day: "You look very toit! Yesh, toit like a toiger!"- Austin Powers: Goldmember

Download this: The Starting Line- "I'm Real"

1/26/03 - this isnt my site, hi callie - Joe..

So hi, what's up? I'm just listeneing to super bowl and watching the commercials... yea.. :)My first "real" site... yeah it's gonna be cool.. I guess..but right now I wanna wish my sweetie a great day tomorrow, and that I love you very much! :) Well t.t.f.n!!

Quote of the Day: "Today we go to the ocean...why do we go to the ocean? To search.. FOR LOST FISHIES!"- Jordan from New Found Glory (off their DVD)

Websites YOU MUST GO TO...please and thank you.

My boyfriend Joe's site :) I love you sweetie..(f.F.a)
The Nigel and Gerald Show! (They're old, and HOT!)
Blink 182
The Starting Line
New Found Glory
The Ataris
Aaron Farrow's page!
Funny Fuel
7 day weekend!!!!! :)