Name: Andrew

Age: 17

Likes: Music and Being lame

Dislikes: Crappy music and overprotective Parents

Equipment: Ibanez GSR100 bass, Boss Chromatic Tuner, Peavey TNT 115, and Planet Wave cables.

Your name: Your Age: 17

Your date of Birth: May 22

Your school: Omaha Christian Academy

Your fav. color: Aqua

Your fav. singer: Jeff Suffering cause he really can't sing but at least he tries

The person you can't live without: Kevin

Who do you like: The Infamous Artist

You fav. sport: basketball

Your best friend: Jayden

Am I ...

nice/mean: just plain wierd

cute/ugly: beyond ugly

popular/loner: lamer

dumb/smart: smart

hot/cold: Wickedly cool and zesty

tall/short: mediano

atheltic/bum: un poco

totally in/totally out: I'm an innie

calm/wild: crazy

bad tempered/easy going: easy going

too weak of a person/to stiff of a person: like pudding

Musical influences: Further Seems Forever, Temptations, Supertones, The Blamed, Mxpx, Thousand Foot Krutch, Dogwood, Vroom,
Slow Day Coming, Slick Shoes, Living Sacrifice, Extol, Three Dog Night, Steppenwolf, and Credence Clearwater Revival and so many more