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Paying it Forward

Every minute of every day, someone in Canada needs blood. Much
of the blood that is transfused every year is done under emergency
or trauma situations. In Canada, hundreds of thousands of people each
year receive blood components or blood products following accidents,
during surgery or for cancer treatments, burn therapy, hemophilia
and other blood-related diseases.

Chrystopher was in need.

 Thank you to the nameless who donated for his need.

To Pay Forward..

I ask that between the dates of April 11, 2004
and October 8, 2005, you help  pay forward the donations
(plus more)that were used to help Chrystopher.  I would like to
reach a minimum donation amount of 300 units of blood.

There are options in donating:

  • Whole blood donations can be done with 56 days between donations and the actual donation requires an hour of your time.
  • Platelet donations can be done every two weeks and the actual donation requires up to 2 hours of your time.
  • Plasma donations can be done every week and the actual donation requires about 1 hour of your time.

    I have done all three types of donation.

    I have yet to take this step, it is a consideration, to register as a Bone Marrow Donor.
    For Chrystopher they did a Bone Marrow Rescue, for others a Bone Marrow Donor is their only hope.

    Watch this page for more info as I learn more about registering and hopefully being a donor of Bone Marrow.