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Cool you found it!

Well Dude, I just want every one to know how great this is. I mean I learned how to do this and crap, but I never found a practical use for it until now. Now I can make fun of my friends online to. Man this rules. Just wait, once I finish the update this will really rule. Ok so I know this page sucks but it will get better. If you did find this page, with out me telling to go here because I know you, come back and visit after a couple of weeks or so. I promise it will have improved!!! Ok now leave, you are starting to annoy me. -Batman

Guestbook / Crap you would like to say!

Here are some Web Sites that might be Cool

X 96
Strong Bad rules the world!!!
Red vs. Blue
Anomaly's Home page

and some Crap I think I Like

"Don't you know who I am!" -Bill Allred
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