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Respect                  Mr


Tabs thoughts on the war in Iraq. 

Saddam Hussein. That bastard. The money that he SHOULD be giving to his people, is going to weapons. He has weapons and his people STARVE, and now, because of him, thousands or innocent Iraqi men women and children are going to die. I really don't believe in all of that No More Blood For Oil bullshit. No Unnecessary War? I believe in THAT. World Peace? Oh yeah. But there are times when you HAVE to do something. If Bush didn't attack Iraq, what would happen? They would get nuclear weapons. And WHO would they sell them to? TERRORISTS! Yeah, that's RIGHT! So what do these PEACE RALLIERS expect Bush to do? Be a pushover? Say "Hum please Mr.Hussein, please don't give nukes to the bad guys!" If he doesn't attack Iraq, Mark my words, New York or Washington would be LEVELED one day. All these wack-job talibans want to hit the US where it hurts, meaning they want to cause as much death and destruction as possible. But you know what bothers me the most? Because of ONE STUPID FUCKING BASTARD. SOOOoOO many people are going to many little kids are going to get hurt, and thats the saddest part of all.


