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One Last Hope

Dave Boulton

Real Name: Dave Boulton
Nickname: Boulton, B-Boy, D-D, 2D, Bo-Bo, Wanderers, Darth Maul, The man Under The Stairs, The German Giant, Dave, The Sweedish Giant, The Monkey Man, Me, The Happy Little Elf, The Man Who Likes The Bands Nobody Has Heard Of, O.D. One Kenobe, Microphone Maniac, Dave-O, Shagling
Position In Band: Vocals
D.O.B.: 11th September 1989
Hometown: Liverpool, England
Height: 5 ' 9"
Eye Colour: Blue
Present Hair Colour: Blonde
Pets: Skye
Movie: Anything with action in, comedies and horror
T.V. Show: The Simpsons, Jackass, Dirty Sanchez, South Park, and anything on Extreme
Cereal: Lucky Charms
Star Wars: Episode 1
Famous Chick: Tiffani Amber Thiessen
Holiday: Christmas
Restaurant: The Orchid Garden (Chinese)
Rapper: 2 Pac
Person In History: Elvis
Ice Cream: Mint chocolate cookie
Super Hero: Spiderman
Favourite Part Of Being In A Band: Getting to play music
Other Things I Love: Music, girls, spiked hair, piercings, tattoos, free stuff, more music and more girls
Things I Don't Love: Waking up, being bored, every teacher I've ever had, manual labor
Musical Influences: Linkin Park, Good Charlotte, Blink 182, Beastie Boys, Weezer, MEST, Green Day, Goldfinger, Everclear, Nirvana and basically every punk rock or pop/punk band ever
Hobbies: Playing music, watching the TV, skating, going on the compute

.: Band News :.

We are working hard on new lyrics. We are also practicing alot aswell.


.: Info :.
Name: Dave Boulton
Age: 13
Sex: Male
MSN: animal615
.: Other Stuff:.


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