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Yahoo Instant Messenger Screenname: dreamsinger2005

Hi, you've stumbled upon the webpage of Stephen Dewey. Poor you. Or you might have read the adress off my aol instant messenger profile, or I might have directly told it to you... Poor you.

This is just a page where I go and type. There are no links for a couple reasons. First have you ever seen me try to understand HTML? Ha! I can't even work my calculator correctly half the time! So there aren't any links or any background music. No cool moving gifs or downloads, just me talking. I'm not going to use any changes in font or color, just this. The best you can hope for is an occasional picture that I've scrounged up from around my desktop. I like pictures so I use them. Also, enjoy the background, it took me 1/2 an hour to make it pert like that. Also, you should be warned, if you're a sticklerfor typos, I would suggest you stop reading now. I'm not running this through spell check or anything like that, I'm just typing and not bothering to look up at the screen. I'm just hoping it's coming out somewhat like what's running through my head. You've been warned.

I made this page because I think a lot. Even though some people who know me may disagree, I have a lot of thoughts and considerations bouncing around in the old noggin up there. They have a lot of room due to the lack of brain... What was I talking about? Oh yeah, this is a completly opinionated site. Cause it's mine! NO ONE ELSE ANYWHERE owns this little page except me! Muahaha! belongs to me and only me, so I can put whatever on it I want. If you disagree with me then Boo hoo for you. Make your own anti-stephen site then, who really cares, but this piece of the net is aaaaaaaaall mine!

You know, angelfire isn't that good a website creator, but it's the only free one I know about and can actually use, even if I have to deal with that stupid banner on the top of the page. GOSH DARN AD! Ad's in general are just stupid when it comes to the internet. They have pop-up ads everywhere for NO PURPOSE except to piss people off. I mean seriously, If someone's trying to balance their taxes or research Madagascar for a school project and a little ad pops up do the companies really expect them to stop what they're doing, wait for it to load, and then say "Wow, good thing I waited, I really need one of those mini cameras so I can spy on my family. Ya never know, they could be really aliens and this is the only way I'll be able to find out." I mean seriously, stick to TV and magazines, at least there we're used to sponsors sticking their butts in our faces and we can turn the page or change the channel. Here we have no choice because you scared to start closing every window, afraid your going to close the one you actually need. So then when they've all loaded you close one and 5 more pop up! Are these sponsors for the sponsor that was already on screen! Eventually you just take a sledghammer to your computer. You lose all your work and a lot of money, but it sure feels good. Eat that "Find your High School Buddies" ad! I don't need to find 'em I SEE 'EM EVERY DAY!!!! For a computer, they aren't very smart, are they...

Ya so, now you get an idea of stuff I'm gonna be talking about. Really random stuff.

That's me above there, sexy ain't I, no? Well I'm sure you're no pick of the litter either. Haha I'm just kidding, everyone's beautiful, at least to me, some people just don't realize it. I didn't think I'd be able to use images but I figured out how. A-hah! I beat you HTML, who's your daddy now?? Oh Look I'm gonna put another image in, right here:

Take that you furry little weasle!

Speaking of weasles, I know, I'll throw out all my controversial ideas so you can take all of em at once instead of trying to read between the lines. I'm christian, I like alternative rock and christian music, I love barbershop singing, I'm pro-life, I'm Anti-War, I'm a democrat, I think if they re-instate the draft (which I hope to god they won't do) women should be included (it's only fair), I'm a bass and think baritones should be able to sing louder! I'm perfectly fine with all sexual preferences. I'm a guy (yes it's true) but I dont think like a guy. For instance: Lesbians do bother me a little but not because of their sexual preference at all, they do have a right to feel whatever they want to feel. I guess I'm not bothered my them, I'm just not turned on by them like most guys are. Don't believe me? Well here's my reasoning: If two hot lesbians are goin at it, I figure i'm the one sqrewed cause since they don't like guys I'd never have a chance with either of them, so while other guys are turned on, I see no reason to be attracted because I'd never be able to have a relationship with either of them. I'm a one-woman man, I am obsessed with love, and If i'm chasing after a girl for too long i become obsessed with that girl, to the point where it's unhealthy. I live in a fantasy world where love is like in books and movies, there is love at first sight and I've found it 3 times. Love doesnt conquer all unless there is love both given and recieved. One person's love for someone who doesn't love them does not conquer all (I learned this the hard way). Umm.... When I think of more I'll write more, DONT RUSH ME, besides, it's 10:20 at night, i'm going to bed. Gd'night all.

Ok good morning/evening, it's actually 11:18, whe the heck I stay up this late I'll never know. Oh well, you know what makes me mad, how the sports teams get so much more money then the music department at my school. Seriously, a conversation with my principle would go as follows:

Me: Ya so, Dr. Walsh, The music dept. needs-

Him: NO! I don't care what it is, it doesn't fit in with the budget

Me: But sir, we need music to read-

Him: If you want to read something why don't you go to some sport games and read the score boards! Support your school you unpatriotic music hippies

Now this isn't just right, but oh... it gets worse

Jock: Um sire the basketball team needs-

Him: A new school to practice in?

Jock: Um no sir

Him: How about a completly new basketball court?

Jock: Sir, we just need some balls (pun intended), about 5

Him: Only 5, I'll give you 50, and the new court, how about that?

Jock: Whatever (the jock would then proceed to get stoned)

This is what we have to deal with at our little school! It's torture! My extra-curricular activities are: Morning Band, Afterschool Chorus, Young Life: Campaigners, Arpeggios, North Country Chordsmen, Drama Club, Young Life: Club, Jazz Band, RoPlGa group... Long list ain't it, you try livin' it some time! I love music, I've always loved music, I jus6t didn't start singing until High School, I like my music teacher unlike a lot of people. I think he's cool, he's like a dad to me. I don't really care for my family that much so I've made one up myself. He's my dad, I dont have a mom yet, but I have 2 "sisters" One younger and one older, and then I have 1 Brother. I luv em all, and would do pretty much anything for them.

Ya, so today in school we got to buy carnations at our school, it's this whole thing where you can send them to anyone in the school, anonymously or not, and they'll be delivered 1st or 2nd period on Valentines Day. I usually don't like this tradition because it really makes all the people who didnt get flowers feel left out. I know for a fact though that I'm getting at least 3 flower on that day, so I've got nothing to worry about :) I hope no one's lonely on Valentines Day because it really is a day when everyone should be with someone they love. I love valentines day, and even though some of them are my friends, I strongly dislike people who dress up on V-day in all black for the sole purpose of discouraging it. If they don't like it they should just ignore it, they don't need to make a political statement on a day everyone's trying to find a little bit of love. It especially pisses me off when these people say "Happy V-day" or give me a v-day present, I dont say it back or accept it from them, there is nothing i cant stand more then hyposcrits because thats what my parents are and I hate them for it. If Jesus hated hypocrits why shouldnt I?

I'm running out of things to write. I'm gonna go watch a DVD I bought today, A Walk To Remember, based on the novel by Nicolas Sparks. I saw it before and it almost brought e to tars. It's a really sappy movie, and as I told you before I don't think like a guy, I'm a really sappy sensitive guy. I love romance movies and flowers and everything (and no, im not gay). So I get realy jerked up about sweet movies like this. For anyone like me some movies you should definatly see are: Sweet November, A Walk To Remember, and Pay It Forward. I loved these movies!!!!!!!! Ok I'm goin now, really I am, bye.

I wonder if a snowman's ever wanted to commit suicide? It's an honest question, don't laugh at me you weasles! Oh, snowmen aren't alive you say? Ah, well ever heard of FROSTY? Yes frosty the snowman, you heard me! Just a fairy tale, HAH! Not only do they show it on TV but theyve got a whole song about him, he can't be fake! Sure, Frosty didn't wanna commit suicide, but he could move! Other snowmen are stuck, in one place till they melt. It's like strapping someone into the electric chair and then leaving them there until they die of hunger! It's called cruel and unusual punishment. And some snowmen, oh poor saps. They get made by little kids, or joking teenagers. They are born deformed, barely recognizable lumps of snow, thrown together. No pipe, no eyes of coal, no carrot. How horrible these inhumane "artists" are. They should be ashamed of themselves! That snowman has to live with the deformity that these... terrorists have given it, and is destined to be laughed at and humiliated, begging for the sun, and for death every day. And lets not even get into the business of assasinating snowmen. Thats right I've seen you sick bastards! Showing off to your friends your strength or brand new shovel, you just swing and kick and--- Ok, i have to take a hold of myself, let me just say I... dissaprove. You horrible horrible people... I'm just--- Argh! I'm going to bed. Just the thought of you people, this whole gosh darn world and the prejudice you have towards our frozen companions--- it just makes me to sick to type. Good bye!

It's funny when people lie, but they do the worst job about it ever. Ya so some people I thought were my close friends couldn't hang out with me yesterday. One of the friends had told me the day before, "I can't hang out, i'm hanging with other friends", so she wouldnt be able to hang out with our little group of friends. I said whatever and thought no more of it. So the next day I called her house, cause i didn't know when she would be gone, and her mom said she was out at the movies, not with some other friends, but with our group of friends. So I call another one of my friends when they get home, and they told me everything, how I wasnt invited because that girl did not want me there, or something like that. So I said... ok... and I called her, expecting her to tell the truth. But nope! She goes on telling me she went to the movies with a completely different group of people, totally lying. I didnt burst her bubble, I wanted to let her think she got away with it. But I'm pissed off. Wouldnt you be? So much for friends.

OK yeah... I'm writing here again cause i guess i have something important to talk about. People need to understand the purpose of this site. Heres how this site came to be: I was bored... I had free time... I typed a lot of crap. Then I stopped. Cause i had nothing more to type. It's crazy cause now im getting requests to type stuff? Apparently this site has fans... which is kinda creepy, cause if anything this site was suppose to just plain confuse people. People out there apparently have the same random thought patterns that I have and can therfore follow this better then most people, and to those people I have one thing to say... Get a life! Stop sending me emails telling me to update the site, stop calling me at 2 am to complain that I havent made additions, stop sending me pictures of you naked, cause none of that will really give me the encouragement to write more. Well, on second thought, you can keep sending the photos... But yeah, so I have at least one fan.... ummm thanks? Yeah her name is Jessica. Go jess, go jess, its your birthday, its your birthday! Well, that was fun... Yeah, so thats all im gonna add... So umm... yeah...

Blah. You know what i've learned? High school is too early to fall in love. Have crushes in high school, and if you have a really good relationship with a girl, then you can fall in love with her, but falling in love with girls before you even go out with them is silly/. High school is supposed to be fun, so dont hinder the expirience by getting your heart really broken. I have crushes on a few girls right now, a freshman, a sophmore, and a junior. No senior crushes because girls that are older intimidate me :( but anyways, Ya so i have crushes on these girls, but im not letting it get to anything further then that cause that woiuld just be me getting obsessed for no reason. Yea.... I like lisps....

James Taylor Rocks. If you can stand folk music then run like a bat out of hell to your local music store and buy September Grass, great cd... Maroon 5 kicks butt too.

Whats up with backup dates and backup backup dates for prom. This is the first ive heard of it. Apparently if you dont get a date then you have you backup date to fall back on, and if theyre going ewith someone then you have your b-b-date to fall back on. Its all very silly. I guess its just a losers way to make sure that they have a date to prom... which is exactly why im doing it. The trick question is if you actually want to go out with yoru backup date, how do you do it? Do you sabotage it so no one asks them and you jsut turn down everyone... i dunno.... cheese

I got my school pics today, i look so sexy. If i ever get to a scanner I may put my pic on this site. You'll see how pretty I am. A friend of mine had a fly that had landed on her shirt at the time of the picture so the fly is on her shirt in the picture, its very humerous. Poor fly just wanted to be noticed. I wonder where that fly is right now... ok, i just lost interest in that topic really quickly......................... Yea... Ima geek, but thats ok.

Thats me, now do you see what i mean by sexy? I already have had like 10 girlsask me for my pictures (thats not my school picture by the way, thats just a random picture of me.... I just havent found a scanner yet) Im so popular. (one girl was actually willing to pay 25 cents! WHy dont they have a ey for the little cent sign on the keyboard, you know the little c with the line through it. They have $ but no cent sign... its kinda sad)