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Shot At SunRise

Buy The Shot At SunRise CD "Dead By Tommorow" Coming Some Time In Between The End Of 2003 And 2004. We now have a name "Shot At SunRise." Music Type Dose not really fit in a catagory we just play music no certain type just plain music that we love to play. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... July/10/2003 - HELLO This is the friendly Brandon reporting today. The practice we had last Wednesday a week ago was a great one and we needed a great one to prepare for the our show coming up near the end of July. This Saturday we will be practicing and I hope it will be a good one which they usually are. Chris may still be in South Carolina and not able to attend. But I will call his house anyway just to make sure becuase you never know he could come home early I wouldn't know it, because I didn't call to check. So Chris if you are in South Carolina and are around a computer and reading this e-mail me at "". See Ya Soon - Brando ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................July/13/2003 - Hey ladies and gentlemen Chris is now back in the state and we are going to practice at his house this Tuesday. The show is drawing nearer and nearer less than two weeks left and two new songs to work on. Well anyway Saturday we had about a good two hour practice when Justin's amp broke then we had to quit. But don't worry everything will be ready before the show. Cya, Brando.


