
September 23,2003.Anti-Flag.AFI

Okay people this is it...I decided to put back up my dumb lame site so that people can come and read how boring my life is! Its nothing big right now cause i dont like a lot of content so just suck it up and deal with its lameness...OK well tody is monday and i was supposed to go to school but ive been sooo sick that there was no way i could of made it through the day today. Um lets see...school is pretty good right now. I mean it could be way better but i like it. Ive made a lot more friends this year and they all seem to be pretty cool cats. If you could meet any of them it would have to be my new friend Andrew. Hes a freshmen and just the coolest kid ive ever met. I mean im not gonna lie he does have his moments of weirdness but the funny thing is ...is that hes just like me and that makes him the pimpest dog on the block...lol ok that made no sense (pimpest dog on the block?) Anyway you guys gotta meet him...For the past couple of weeks tons of bands have come to vegas and done some shows...and of course i missed every single one of them. so that makes me a little angry but ill get over it! I know im gonna get a lot of beef for having an afi layout and having songs from there new CD Sing the Sorrow cause a lot of people say that they "soldout" and totally changed there music but i think that as lyical geniuses they were merely persuing a different sound of music ...searching deeper down for the darkness they protrayed on there new cd. Just because now they are on mtv doesnt mean they arent the same guys who want to make good music and just because there sound is different from there other cd's (ex. Answer That and Stay Fashionable) doesnt mean they arent gonna go back into the studio and make a kick ass album and prove all you people who call yourself "Fans" that AFI has not sold out...And thats all i have to say on that topic and i hope you all think about that. So i leave you with that until next time...if ya want to talk to me about anything I dicussed feel free to Instant Message me...AIM- UnLikeAnyOther16 Farewell my friends its been fun...


September 22,2003

Hey everyone...its been a while since ive written in here! Im so sick today! I didnt feel like going to school so i stayed home...wasnt too good of an idea though cuz now i have to make up a biology test! so how was everyones weekend? mine was okay i guess.M y friend Ashley spent the night and we got to chill cuz i havent really hung out with her since the summer...so neways LOVE really sucks! Why is it that all of the sluts get boyfriends but the genuine girls get shit!?!?! it pisses me off why cant a guy see that im different than all the other girls i swear i would make the best girlfriend....oh god enough of that im venting again alright i think my fever has gotten to me so ill talk to u all later...

The current mood of prf404@lvcm.com at www.imood.com

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