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News: 3/21/03
haha i made another movie go check it out its me best one yet,
last time my brother helped out with animatin and drawin but this time i did it all myself haha
click here to see it

News: 3/18/03
Hi again this is my second news post. guess what!!! i finished my new movie. I call it "n1nja battle 1"
click here to see it

guess what else! i might be in the next kermit kombat movie i talked to he movie maker and i might be his long lost ninja twin brother! i cant wait. send me a message on AIM, my sceen name is "XY63R N1NJA"

News: 3/16/03
This is meh pwnage website, be careful what links you click, i might have an IP sniffer discised as a real link! hahaha

I <3 Visual Basic 4
