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2Stone Drunk......

Whats up with 2Stone Drunk?!

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Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Dedicated to Bianca Halstead of Betty Blowtorch
Blare Bitch Project-shes back
Dreamcatcher Studios-for all your recording & webcast needs
Publicity Whore-The magazine for junkies, alcoholics & rejects
PissAnt-rocking on
The official website of Betty Blowtorch

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The terrifying threesome of 2Stone Drunk (Chip, Aj & Rob); have been raising hell on and around the music scene for quite some time now, and have yet to be discovered. With their latest CD (yet to be released) titled "18 Pack & a Chili Dog", waiting to hit the shelves of your local music store; the guys are busy getting together some local gigs. This is a "MUST SEE" band as far as live performances go. You havent seen a show until you experience a 2Stone Drunk show!!!

Casual Fridays

This picture of Chris and me was taken Halloween 1999 at our place of work. Chris was unrecognizable as a dinosaur and I gave myself a mohawk and dressed up as Robert De Niro in Taxi Driver.

Having a Mohawk was really cool. At first I felt silly, but after a couple days, I got quite used to it and actually embraced it. I liked being the "Mohawk Guy."

But how great is a workplace when it is encouraged to come in dressed for Halloween. Folks have been known to wear shirts with dirty words on them, or shorts in the cold of winter, and shoes are entirely optional. Some of my co-workers have even dyed their hair "crazy colors" like blue.

Normally blue is not a crazy color, like salmon, but when referring to hair, I think this qualifier is on the money.
