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Patches $1/Back Patches $3/T-Shirts $9

designs we have:(those with astrixs (*) next to them are shirt and backpatch designs only!
all those with the pound (#) next to them are patch size only!)

  • 9 Shocks Terror-logo#
  • Axiom-logo#
  • Armstice-logo#
  • Battle of Disarm-logo#
  • Brother Inferior-logo#
  • Cluster Bomb Unit - Image of Distortorama(soldiers with guns)*
  • Crucifix-logo with peace nuke image#
  • Destroy!-logo#
  • Doom-logo#
  • doom-radiation symbol/mask
  • Doom-war is big business*
  • Disclose-logo#
  • Disrupt-logo#
  • Disrupt-Rid the Cancer#
  • Dropdead-image off s/t 7'*
  • Extinction of Mankind-logo#
  • Flux of Pink Indians-all the arms we need design #
  • Hiatus-logo#
  • Masskontrol-skeleton/while govts exist...*
  • Misery-logo with A symbol*
  • Skitsystem - logo#
  • State of Fear-logo#
  • Tampere SS-logo#
  • Totalitar-logo#
  • Warcollapse-Divine Intoxication#

  • A World without lines... design (shows world with a huge "A" imposed on it)#
  • No POlice State (cop and punk)#

    thats it so far ive undoubtably forgot alot more stuff we can make so check back