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"Out of all the things I have ever lost, I miss my mind the most..." - Ozzy Osbourne        
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Hey you crazy kids i added me one of those AIm remote things so you can click to IM me, add me to your buddylist or e-mail me. I'm not to sure if anyone will ever use it but its there if u need it.

I know it has been a while since I have updated the site, this is because I have had a lot to do these past few weeks so there wasn't much change in the site. This week I dont have barely anything to do so I can get alot of stuff done. After talking to my good 'ol buddy shane on the bus ride from the drill team competition he suggested that i have something more interesting such as a message board. I thought about this and decided I should make one so I did. GO TO IT!!! POSTS LIKE CRAZY!!! Get all your friends to post it will be awesome!

Yesterday my brother told me he might buy me a web site (ex: for christmas! woo! What was here before I changed because i found out that is already a site so i will get if my brother buys me the site. and that poll is gone.

I finally thought I should get a guest book for my site because I don't know why. just go sign it slackers.

Today I decided I should add a page about the whole streaking thing because i was getting tired of telling people. Also I added a list of who is going to do it, because i forgot who all said they would, so if you are not on there and you should be tell me!

well i was looking at some website and i wanted to add a search engine thing to my site. so i sort of stole Google's... don't tell them i don't wanna get sued or something. this is just a test. I want to see if I can get a search engine onto my site.

VOTING IS NOW STARTED!!! woo!! go cast some votes!!! get everyone to vote!!!!!

Here is what is happening with the contest. I had initially stated that it would begin on 10/1/03 or 10/2/03 and it hasn't. the reason is I've been waiting for Lauren Z. to give me her pictures but she hasn't yet, the slacker. Also i don't have much time right now to add anything new, such as the poll for voting, because im going ot leave soon for a family reunion, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! ill be back sunday or monday, ill probably add the poll then.

The contest has a date finally! it will start october 1st! and i added Ashley to the pictures page, Monday or tuesday i well get Lauren's pics up (Lauren Z.). also i need a date for home coming, anyone wanna go? heh. ill find someone i guess.

Today I got Kelly's pics up, woo! and I might get another person up this week, hopefully. The contest will most likely start saturday or sunday, it depends on if I have someone trying to get me some pictures of them. go check out Kelly's pictures!

What i did today is i got some more pics of Lauren on the site, and the contest will start back most likely sometime this week. once i get Kelly's pic up. woo!

Today I got my old buddy from a medal of honor clan to be my "affiliate", heh. the link is over there -->. go check his site out.

Today after a few minutes of thinking I decided to just change the site. And the contest will start a few days after I fully convert the site to this design. I hope you guys like this better than the old one, because I do. Also im in decision about have the movie intro back up. what do you guys think? e-mail me what i should do One other thing else i did was take off some pointless pages and i took of chris's page, it might come back.


After a brutal fight between me and my computer I got the alignment to work with the site. Before, if anyone ever looked at the new design, the text was all on the side and not fully across. now it is. WOO!!! also if you actually go here tell me what you think.


I went to Caleb's lan party the other night which was great, and I beat my record of staying up 34 hours and I stayed up for 41! also I made a new banner.


Today I started the new style of my web site. I kind of just came up with this idea while wondering how to make the site look better. It mostly just was improvised. I hope you guys like how it looks. i think it makes it look more "professional" then a cool theme, I also think it looks sleek 'n stuff. Lets see how it all works out. and im not to sure about the banner yet. i kinda like it because its not your average banner.
You can search from below. I wouldn't recommend it.


wanna be an affiliate? contact me.

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