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MaRi'z h0me PaGe

SeXaH LiNkZ!!!!!!!!!

Onchat-Graphical Chat
Jack Off Jill
j0e carto0n

Disclaimer: "The items, homepages, web sites, products and matters discussed and reviewed in Mari'z Page represent the opinion (good, bad or indifferent) of the maintainers themselves, and are not meant as representations of fact by any person, nor are such opinions the opinions of any person, group, company or entity other than the maintainers. Also, the inclusion of hyperlinks in this website does not in any way constitute an endorsement of any products or services that may be offered on such a linked site, nor does it indicate any commercial relationship between website providers. In other words... yo momma!"

i stole that ^ lol i'm too stupid to write something like that myself

i have br0wn hair and eyes.....
i like chicken.....
i enj0y riding 4-wheelers...
i like art...
i write p0etry...
i love brett...
i despise stereotyping...

Firefly's Page

BeCkA, you're my bestest friend ever and you're the bestest sista!
Jake, we don't talk much anymore but i thought i'd say hi anyways =]
Rachel, sexual partners lmao. wo0ho0 0.o
AmAnDa, ah0y! 0.o nice webpage mwahahahahaha! i ONLY did that for you cause you're my cousin, you know ..consider yourself loved ;D
Sexy Heather, i decided to say hi to you since i'm your roasted piggy? <3!
LoVe y0u always BreTT! ...even if you are scared of me... =]
MaTT, alas, i have fallen into that void between pepsi and coke where both have started to taste the same???
r0bert, we seldom talk anymore.. but hopefully one day we'll meet at Warped in some Canadian city and spend a few days in a drunken stupor? =]


"homosexualz are gay"
"i hate boiz"
"what waS daT bitch aSS ShriNk ThiNkiNg GIViNg Me aN aNti dePreSSaNt LiKE ZoLoFt???? I CANT SELL THAT SHIT ON THA STREET!"
"ima never be impotent"
Lars gave this 0ne t0 becka and said for me to put it in my pagepage.....
"virginity is like a bubble one prick and it'z gone"

Becka's dad's interesting quotes or um.. i dunn0... 0.o
"how big is the 12 inch pizza"
"whats this" "its a present dad" "oh well i didnt recognize it all wrapped up"

"geh anal!!!!!"

"a gay person who is gay is a straight person"

damnit, if you want your quotes here, message me or somethin.

"yoink wut u going to do bout it....uh-oh.....spank the monkey"
"i waz raped by pancakes"

"if i were t0 m0lest a c0p, i w0uld h0pe he w0uld m0lest back"
"wh0 said GraNNeH cant have sPaNKeH fer a nickname?"

"if pe0ple think y0u're stupid, it'll amaze them even m0re when y0u kill them" -author unknown
"trying is the first step towardz failure" -h0mer simps0n
"be realistic, strive for the imp0ssible" -auth0r unkn0wn

then click HERE

Robert'z k0rner
[..+. h0wdy! .+..]

"optimism is tha main ingredient for dissapointment"
"shutup you queer, im not homophobic"
this is a selection taken from r0berts a0l pr0file

you know what, i dont think mike tyson is such a bad guy.

its really shitty when you dont want to go on living, but you are afraid to die..........

on being an ass, i am really a pro, what can i say, i can say no

i'll pass the bar on the way to my dingy hotel room. i spent all my money, been drinkin' since a half past noon. i'll wake there in the mornin' or maybe in the county jail. Times are hard and getting harder, i'm born to lose and destined to fail......take away, take away this ball and chain, im lonely and im tired, and i can't take any more pain. ----social distortion

you have to know, not fear, know that someday you are going to die......its only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.-- tyler durden

Mullets Galore!
click the link, dimfuck!

The Naked Dancing Llama!

g0 fr0lic with the naked dancing llama! =]

you're not leaving without signing my guestbook are you?!?!?!?! go0d =D