

December 24, 2003 - Hey, it's been a while. Just over a year ago, I left this site to fend for itself, and haven't touched it since. yesterday, I started toying with it again, and now I'm hoping to bring it back with a bang. Some old stuff has been deleted, other stuff updated. Maybe I'll get around to adding new stuff, maybe not. Look around. Oh, and Merry Christmas.

HEY! I'm Katie, and I'm 16. I live in a tiny suburb near Cleveland, Ohio. I'm into a LOT of different music. I'm into performance arts, and I'm kind of a geek, but proud to admit it. I am currently a junior in high school. Check out the site, & Sign the guestbook!!!! **************************************************************************************************************
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Quotes 3

The Woes of my Non-Existent LoveLife

My Quotes

Quotes 2

Things I Hate

Things I Love

Quiz Results!

Religious Views???

My Poetry

SLC Punk!
Local Bands

here's to dying in another's arms, and why I had to try it


Kung Fu Records!!!
Zodiac Killer!!!
The Ferrett!!!
Anomalies Unlimited!!!

Email: wickibabe@yahoo.com