WaterCooler - The Official Web Site

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The Official WaterCooler Web Site Staff is Tyler Mac Donald (email | website) and Drew Gutrath (email). Web hosting provided by AngelFire. All rights reserved. All layouts, original artwork and original photos © 2002 Tyler Mac Donald unless otherwise noted. All other material used by permission of the bands personal stuff. PLEASE NOTE: Accessing images or other material provided on web sites does not give you rights to use them as you wish, they are works of Tyler Mac Donald and if you do use his graphics or website design/layout, please e-mail him at GunsNRosesRules@hotmail.com Only the copyright owner or the owner's legal representative can give you permission to use these materials. Without such permission, you may be liable for copyright infringement. To request permission to use original images or other material from this web site, contact one of us at at the addresses above.