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Well, it all started one night when Jared was at Andrew Cross'(former drummer) house. They were kinda bored and they were just watching TV when, Andrew said that it would be cool to have a band. Then Jared said,"Dude, we should start one". In a couple days they had set it up so that Jared was the bassist, Andrew was the drummer, Isaac was rythym guitar, and Matt was lead guitar. Well they hadn't had a person to sing, until Pete came along. Then the lineup was set. That weekend they had thier first practice. We'll just say it didn't go well at all. Pete didn't have any lyrics, Matt wouldn't stop playing guitar so that they could figure something out, Jared was not that great at the time and kept wanting to go skate, Andrew was not very good and had no enthusiasm whatsoever, and Isaac wouldn't even play at all!!! Soon there after Isaac left the band, and they got thier close friend Justin to play rythym guitar. After abuot 9 or 10 practices Andrew could only come to two. That was definetly not going to work because the band was starting to get alot better in record time. So eventually Andrew was nicely and friendly let out of the band. The band is currently working on a few new songs, then hopes to be putting out a demo sometime this summer. They are also very very very cool.