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If you can read this you're too smart for your own good...

Used And Abused is:

Shawn Friedrich - Bass, Vox, Shroomhead, Stoner, Mr. Smiles

Adam Legalee - Guitar, Vox, Asshole, Pothead, Vulcher, Struggler

Pat Staley - Drums, Drugs, Rapist Of The Passed Out (click here to see the story), Momma's Boy

Well you wanna know some shit about Used And Abused eh? Well for starters as you can see we're Canadian and godamn proud of it! We booze, we lose, we smoke our selves retarded all in the name of fun, and fuck is it worth it! Name a drug and we've done it twice, name an alcohol and we already drank it. Used And Abused means what it says, we use things and we abuse things as well as getting used and abused. We may not be smart but we sure can have fun. We care about nothing and bitch about everything. That doesn't mean we're negative, it just means we see faults in society that need attention. For instance; Corperations making innocent people into corperate slaves, people "need" Tim Horton's coffee, people crave McDonald's "hamburgers" and cold, out-all-day old ass fries. We say to these people, you make us sick, how can so many people sell out to corperations that use low quality products, cut corners at every turn and allow all profits to go to fat cats who have so much money they wipe their ass with it and to the government as soft money or kick backs. So next time you're in line waiting to buy a large double-double or a Big Mac Combo think about where your hard earned money really ends up, in the overflowing pockets of the government and people who already have enough money to provide for a small city. Goes to show you how much society has an effect on people as well. Slavery was claimed to be abolished a long time ago, time for people to open their eyes. We're all slaves in one way or another, buying Gay And Proud (GAP) clothing because the corperations send out sell outs who try to ruin people's lives by making them think that if they don't want to be singled out or alone in the world they have to be like everyone else, something they aren't. Be who you want to be, don't try and live someone else's life, thats how conformity to society works, and we all know society is bullshit!
Unless you stand up for what you believe in, nothing will change. With no pressure there is no progression. The question to ask is at what age are we old enough to choose? If it doesn't effect others then why not? It's your life right? Oppresion and domination is not how to run a country, it's how to rule a country.

This sounds like a bunch of misguided stoner talk (most of it is) but it does explain where our music comes from as well as shit that goes down in our lives. It's just an opinion people. Our opinion and our point. That's all. We make music to express ourselves and what we feel. If you don't like it, don't listen.

So just remember one thing from us, if any... People Suck!