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3/17/2003 ~
wow well i havent responded for like a month and a half and there was tons of things i could have put on here but i forgot them by now... It's my dads birthday today! and 2 days ago i went to my family reunion.. it was my moms side of the family. also, Travis had a crazy party and people stole his fridge, his video camera, and all of his cd's! its so gay! if i find out who did it there gunna pay for it i swear! I'm now in POS racing! haha and i just bought my windshield sticker today.. its pretty sick haha. I'm trying to move out with a couple of people as soon as possible. Van is one of my positive people im moving out with. My thumb is pretty much permanently fractured cause im too lazy to goto the emergency room and pay the 5 or 10 bux for them to check it out... damn boxing! haha I am on a 60 day probation at Mcdonalds now and have crap for hours.. and i might be getting a job at K-mart.
If you use aim or yahoo or msn or all or any of those... message me on aim or yahoo.. PageR760yo and i will tell u how to get Trillian Pro. its soo much better than all of those messengers combined. I'll never go back to aim. it sux compared to trillian pro. u can download the free version of trillian at www.trillian.cc or you can message me and ill tell you how u can get pro which is like a million times better for free! :-D
this is my old school site
O im in a kick ass band now!!! were called Fievel. We have one song recorded already! message me and ill send it to you! thnx. the band members are: Me-Guitar, Jesse Hoskins-Guitar, Dan Cocagne-Bass, Josh Roberts-Drummer, Josh Roy-Singer. We are kinda weird.. we are like pop/punk/emo haha so u should listen and find out what that is! ahha

1/30/2003 ~
Aaaahaha my csis 220 teacher is crazy... he just talks and talks and i don't think it's even relevant... he just rambles on and on. it's kinda cool, but i don't really think so haha. I havent posted for awhile so i decided to today. Today is a concert in L.A. The bands are: off bye one, never heard of it, and 2 other bands... i wanna go but i can't cause i'm saving my money :( ... the teacher is still going off on something and it's crazy. OK time to listen brb...ok this was yesturday

1/1/2003 ~
Happy New Year!!! Dan, Journee, Travis, Dallas, and myself all stayed at my house for new years. Travis spent the night cause i was too tired to drive him home haha. We watched ring of fire.... Journee was the chick.. I was the main character dude with the beard.. Travii was the crazy buff tatooed american.. the crazy dragon was my dad... and i forgot who dolly was haha. Dink Dink!!

12/10/2002 ~
There was a crazy concert today at canes! Line up: Go Reflex, Rufio, Sugarcult, The Ataris! Go Reflex was ok... Rufio was only amazing! Sugarcult was also awesome... and The Ataris were beyond awesome haha. There was way too many people in Canes tho.. like no room to even jump, unless everyone else was.. then it kind of made u cause we were all sandwiched in the pit.. I almost got in a fight with a huge fat guy who was prolly drunk.
People who went: Jolen, Chris, Kurt, Robin, Kurts G/F (forgot her name!), Katie and Angela from Poway, and a whole bunch of other people from Ramona.
Dan couldn't go and same with Kent. They waited too long to buy tickets and it sold out. Rufio was soo good and the singer was way sick too and they still put on a good performance. We all wore our Poser shirts again haha it was great. the pit was so crowded that it was painful. like i had scratches all along my back and sides and sholders.. i had this girl like lifting herself up on my shoulders and i couldnt do anything about it cause i couldnt turn around or anything haha. it was great tho. We had steak right before the concert too. it was sooo good. Sugarcult was way good, but i was so tired from jumpin i sat down :( it sucked.. first time i've ever sat down at a concert haha. o well, I got up for the Ataris tho. They were so good but they didnt play my song (up, down, up, down, left, right, left, right, b, a) but they played everyother good song. ok enouph of that. they all were awesome. ok bye!

12/7/2002 ~
today was my birthday!!!! im 19 now haha.... im old

11/22/2002 ~
yeah... today was cool... the next day sucked! ok ok ill talk about today then tomorrow haha. I was hanging out with van and dan and were bored... sooo we just drove to robins house and she was there luckily and was about to leave so we said we would come back and chill. well after we came back we stayed there all night and it was just way cool. the next day i had work and my dad came and took my car! so i had to find a ride home! he said he would do that the next time i didnt come home without calling. and i wasnt gunna call cause i would have had to go home so yeah. well that sucked. and now im on restriction with my car for a whole month! i can only use it for class and work :(

11/21/2002 ~
Simple Plan Concert!!! OK... this concert was sooo fun.. it was Jolen, Chris, Kirt, and I who went. We all wore these shirts that said Poser on them so we all looked the same. We drove all the way up to The House of Blues in LA. Jolen drove there and back. It only took us an hour and a half from San Marcos! when we got there, we just parked on the side of the road and pulled out all of our lawn chairs and the bbq and some hot dogs and steaks and some MGD's and just chilled there for like 3 hours. Like every car that drove by was either a Bimmer or a yellow Hummer. and there was this one chick who was walking her dog and her ass was completely hanging out of her shorts!! were like hoooly shit!! it was great. After the 3 or so hours we walked a block and went to the show... it was awesome! noone knew Slick Shoes but me and i thought they did really good. nobody else really did cause they couldnt hear his voice :( o well. then BigWig Played and that was cool. Then Simple Plan played. that was waaay fun. we were jumping up and down so much and singing as loud as we could that after that we all had to sit down on the grownd and jolens voice was completely gone! haha then Mighty Mighty Bostones played. they didnt seem that great to us cause we normally dont listen to them. but the pit was awesome so we went in anyways. omg!! it was sooo fun down there. like at times the pit was the craziest ive been in. and otheres it was the coolest. we woudl like just dance all cool in circles! anyways it was awesome. then we met the lead singer from Simple Plan and told him to come to San Diego and he said they were soon. so thats cool. then we left and met the base player from Never Heard Of It and we bought his CD. Its really good btw. then we went home all tired and sore and that night was awesome.

11/1/2002 ~
Halloween!! dude.. yesturday started out cool. then got gay. then really gay. then cooler. then pretty sweet haha. The day started out normal except i woke up and instead of pushing snooze on my alarm clock i pushed off and totally slept thru both of my classess for the day haha. then went and picked up travis and hung out. then did something i forgot then went to vans and we were suposed to have a bunch of people over at vans but it didnt happen cause like everyone ditched us so that was gay. so we told everyone to goto dans house and he didnt even know it and we had people going to that then we skated and after that we went to dans and then everyone else canceled so we whent out skating again. after that got old we just sat on our assess and thought of what to do and how gay halloween is. then like 30 minutes later we just decided to drive. sooo we went to vans house.. doing all of this i had no gas by the way. then there was peoples there so we followed them down to the 4 way stop over by gun stage and brent hardens house and we just all chilled there and stuff like that. then zac and his friends showed up cause they got out of work early and hung out and then some bitch pulled into brents driveway and started telling us to get the fuck off the property and were like wtf!? its not even ur house bitch and brent starts yelling at her and it was just great. then she left and came back and threw a pumpkin at us and totaly missed and hit a bunch of 8th graders and were like "that bitch!" haha so we left... collected tons of pumkins.. went to her house cause travis knew where she lives and we totally fucked up her entrance way to her door. then we left to get more pumpkins and came back and as we were about to fuck up her house again she drove up and we hid hahaha so were like fuck that so we decided to just drive around. so we drove way out in the middle of no were and like totaly offroaded my car and like travis was driving and we had like my whole trunk full of pumpkins and dan and van in the car so the car was acting way differnet on turns and shit cause its so heavy so travis goes and does these crazy emergancy brake turns and were like omg were gunna die but it was still sick. then we finally found this one girls house (angel or something) and she lives way the fuck out in the boones.. prolly past the boones. then we left withought saying hi hhaha and then got some other peoples houses with pumpkins. some of them we got really good haha but there gunna be anonnomouse until we get in trouble then i will post them haha. wow halloween was starting to get good haha. and all this time we were sober and not high and yeah normal i guess. and we were trying to find a party but couldnt... but somehow zac and his friends ended up at one. same with jolen. then a cop pulled us over thinking we were high and causeing trouble and made dan get out of the car and told dan what a rock is cause dan didnt know hahahahaha then i droped off everyone. got home and there was tons of candy on my bed and thhat was my halloween!!! bam!

10/05/2002 ~
Yesturday (day of the nfg, finch, something corporate, fsf concert) kicked soo much ass my feet hurt!!! That was seriously the coolest thing I have ever been to! (I think) it was soo much fun. The people who went: Me, Lindsay, Jolen, Dan, Kent, Mike, Nicole, Chris, Loren, A lot of Hotties, Some Chick who looked like it was Dan's neighbor but wasn't and was also anorexic, Jolens girlfriend and her friend and guy friend, and about a million of other people!!!! We found out we got pretty bad seats so my crazy uncle (kent) got us into the pit!! and it was soo sweet. It was like non stop hoppin ever since Finch started playing and like almost all the time there was a mosh pit which I only ran into once and ran out again cause some crazy guy was gunna kill me!!! haha like right before I went in i saw him take out 3 guys and like he was eggin everyone on to come attack him! it was crazy! I also got floated 5 times so I found out I like crowd surfing haha. Lindsay made it all the way to the front and touched jordans chest!! haha thats cool. And I almost caught a pic from the bass player from NFG! but some other guy smacked my hand as I tried and picked it up off of the ground as we got stepped on trying to get it. I drove so much that day. I drove first to town then to almost Julian, then to La Jolla, then to Cox Arena, then back to La Jolla again, then to Encinedas or something for In n' Out, then to town, then to the estates, then home cause cause Kent spent the night! bam!! lots of drivin!!! Every Band that played there was awesome live. I was very surprised how good they all were. Something Corporate was even better live then on their CD i think. Finch sount a little differnt at the start of there performance but it wasnt bad and they got back to normal after a bit so it was all good. Further Seems Forever is a really good band!! I think u all should download there songs or at least goto there site.

10/03/2002 ~
i added a MESSAGE BOARD and its cool hehe

10/01/2002 ~
Just bought some tickets for the NEW FOUND GLORY, FINCH, SOMETHING CORPORATE, and FURTHER SEEMS FOREVER Concert!!!! and added a really cool game for you to download... its a really cool space game like astroids but u dont die if u hit the walls.. its pretty fun if ur bored and Ii play it when Ii am so I will c u in a game sometime ok back to my class :( bye 4 now

9/19/2002 ~
Not much has been going on lately... I added a cool Windows XP Theme Program into my downloads section. If you have XP.. Then I strongly suggest u to download that!! its way cool. its 6 megs tho :-/

9/14/2002 ~
I am no longer with amber :( we couldnt see each other enouph and it was just too hard to with school and everything going on.

9/08/2002 ~
I added a thing so all can chat who goto my site its way cool. Go Here to Chat with Peoples!!

9/07/2002 ~
Today I got a new job at papamurpheys in town over by stater bros. And got more cool things for this site. Cool thingy!!! go there and move ur mouse around its cool ok ill keep adding stuff to here later. I'm tired. yaaaawnn~

9/03/2002 ~
Yeah today was the day that i added the cool things to the right side of the webpage and the day school started for the highschool. and I think it was like 2 days ago that my parents found out about my tongue peircing!!! haha my dad found out cause he woke me up at like 9 oclock in the morning for some gay ass reason and then I was like "yawwwwwwnnnnn" and his face got all crazy and I was like "what?" and he was like "I saw that" and I was like "ooooo shit" haha the end. but im not in that much trouble cause he knew I was gunna have it done anyways. I have had it in me since 8/10/02 so yeah its kinda funny how long it took them to find out about it.


9/01/2002 ~
Hey Whats UP?! this is my web site its pretty cool so far!! yay I just started this site and it looks good already, well I might as well go back to making it even better, later

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Email: PageR760yo@yahoo.com