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<s>Those Meddling Kids</s> The Mushroom Kids...

The Band

The Mushroom Kingdom is;
Darryl; VOCalist
Emil; LEAd guitarist
Dan; BASsist
Mike; DRUmmer

All of the band kids ofThe Mushroom Kingdom, are dwelling in Vallejo California... While three attend Jesse Bethel High (Darryl, Emil, Dan,). The other (Mike) attends Vallejo High. By the way, Mike, Darryl, and Dan, graduated this year. While Emil was left back at JBHS He's soon to be Senior, c/o 2003 for JBHS. Future plans for The Mushroom Kingdom still undecided...

As they practice over the summer, we hope to hear from them in the (not so far) future...goodluck TMK

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Please don't be dumb and jack my things. I'd appreciate it if you didn't plagerize and steal my things without my conscent. Uhm foul language may appear on this page, got a problem with that? If so i suggest you bounce outta here. See that little x there buddy? Click on it and see what happens. I don't need any problems to deal with so back off!

This page is made specialy for the fans of TMK. On this page TMK explains and shows you what they think about, what they don't and do like and much much more!