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"Sometimes, I wish I was five again..

Scratched knees, and cuts are much eaiser to heal than a broken heart...."


"Wisdom is knowing what to do next; virtue is doing it."

-Davis Starr Jordan

"Nobody belongs to us, except in memory."

-John Updike

"Procrastination means you know what you need to do and you don't do it.

If you don't know what to do, you aren't procrastinating.

You are thinking."

-Lynn Lively

"Without darkness there are no dreams."

-Karla Kuban

"If you go through life without experiencing pain you probably haven't been born yet."

-Neil Simon

"All the world is a stage

And the men and women merely players..."


"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."

-Robert Frost

"I cried because i had no shoes, until i saw a man who had no feet."


"Most of life's failures are those who didn't realize how close to success they were when they gave up."

-Thomas Edison

-*Fun Quotes*-

"Its better to be pissed off then pissed on."


"The road to Hell is paved with good intentions."


"I wish I had a penguin,

I'd name him Bob or Dale,

I'd save all my money,

So he could go to Yale."

-Kristy's Penguin song.
