¿?¤¿?it tis, tis it¿?¤¤¿?it tis, tis it¿?¤¿?¤¿?it tis, tis it¿?¤¿?¤¿?it tis, tis it¿?¤¿?¤¿?it tis, tis it¿?¤¿?¤¿?it tis, tis it¿?¤¿?¤¿?it tis, tis it¿?¤¿?¤¿?it tis, tis it¿?¤¿?¤¿?it tis, tis it¿?¤

what i dont get about life

sites for your entertainment....my share of community service

stupid site i made at kam
free porn. my part of community service


Name dorothys site what your mom wouldnt let you name your poodle

contents of this page are not subject to your opinion and no im not bias nor am i...whats the word, closeminded i just dont want to hear it. jk. lighten up. muthafucka

...but mummy im not an animal...-sex pistols}

...destroy what destroys you...-AAA ...i wait for a warning, im waiting for some kind of sign, i try to separte my body from my mind...-social distortion

march 24
im stuck on oahu for spring break :( so sad. i do nothing...nothing at all. im surprised that i actually know how to use this site seeing that i havent used it in forever...i have a new one that no one really knows about so for those of you who still read this, even tho its like out dated by like 2 years the new site is livejournal.com/users/blackheartbeat so fucking emo i know but oh well...shit i lost my train of thought thanks to the ringing of uncle fucker...but yeah alright you know where i be bu...hehe i love you

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i wanted to see if this would work and actually i dont think it will
you better have signed the guest book since summers over no use thinking about it

Email: spikeytwinkee@aol.com