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Welcome To All Things Karen


Welcome to my Site!

Hey Hey...Ha I already got a new theme after like a week max...Anyways...Yeah...Ive been thinking a lot lately about new ways to spruce up the site and I hope to be makin it cooler soon...And btw if Youre a crazy 30 something stalker guy type - Just X that little box in the corner and save me some time

NEWS - I decided to make a new feature...The random page of whenever I feel like updating...Catchy name huh?Anyways yeah...Its gonna just be a random fun? Hey Im currently working on my newest installment of TRPOWIFLU - see paragraph above...and it should be out sometime tonight or this weekend

BIGGER MORE IMPORTANT NEWS - Hey the sites prolly being all funk and not working for you right now - right? Well thats bc Im moving the site yo...for a few reasons 1 - creepy pervert type emailing me 2 - Im tired of the lame name and 3 - Ive had this site for a really freakin long time so it needs a breath of fresh air and such...Ya know?

My Random Page of Whenever...
Karen's Diary, full of her inner most stuff

This page was last updated on 01/10/03

My Mass of Quiz Results

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