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Work is a nasty four-letter word.

7/19/02: I finally decide to comeback to my site (after eight month's of nothing!) and what do I find? My conter went up! That's what I find! When did this sudden popuarity happen? Now I feel bad. So, to make up for eight months of nothing, I plan to acually do stuff from now on. So, I will start doing stuff. But it'l have to wait a day or two, sorry. 11/22/01: I put up the album reviews section. I'll do some more work on it shortly. Maybe.

This is the official site of the unofficial company: Ramsey and Co. Unlimited. Shortly, I plan to put up some of the things that Ramsey and Co. Unlimited has made, but keep in mind that none of it is for sale, yet, but most of it you could probably make yourself, anyways. Good day and cheese.

Things to do here:

Stuff I've actually done here::

My bio
Some links.
Some Lyrics
Some album reviews