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*SuPeR aUtUmNs WeB pAgE*

My Favorite things

My Favorite Web Sites

AMAZING! Punk Band(the ataris)
DaNcE gUrLz
My fRiEnDs AnD I
My MuSiC
SoMe MoRe Of My FrIeNdS
EvAnS wEbPaGe (tRaGiC ViCtOrY)

.Hey everyone, this is autumn tuffin... sup ya'll! TO ALL MY HOME DAWGS FROM THE "EDSS SIDE" peace to all ya'll fools.... (Erin Crosgrove "socal butterfly) this is my homepage for comm tech! (yay mrs.fairhall!) so take a look around for a bit! and lemme know what u think! i have 3 links to my other sites. those sites include most of my life! the picture at the top of this page does represent what i love to do and that is dancing... u can check out some of that stuff at my dance link. another thing that is my life is music. I am a huge Punk and Emo fan! my favorite band is the atairs. you can find them at, they are the most amazing band in the world! hehehe But u can check all that out at my music link! :) Last but not least is my Friends link. This i think is the most important. Friends are my life(sorry mom and dad! i still luv yah!) in the last four years i have been to 4 different schools and been in four different friend groups. but from what i have learned, EDSS was the best! GO LANCERS I just want to say a couple more things in this wonderful paragraph and then i will let you surf around a bit! ye ye! i just want to give some shoutouts to all my friends and tell u all my favorite quote. as for the quote ... it is by the ataris! go figure! "once i'll build a rocket to the stars, we'll fly away just you and me" (miss u evan!) This quote means soo much to me because it gives me hope that one day i might be able to fly to the stars! maybe just in my dreams, but i still think i can make it there! :) and to all my friends! guys, dont be suprised that i put your picture onto the internet! hehehe If i miss you in this hopefully short shout out! then i am turely sorry and i still luv yah! Laura Meier- you are the best friend ever! i dont know what i would do without u! BEST FRIENDS FOREVER!(QUACK MOO!) Sammybaby!- sup! u are the best friend in the world! and in those exam weeks everything happened! and we still got through it all! go us! i hope we are friends forever! PATTI! - GURL! U ARE MY SOCCER STAR FOR LIFE! KEEP BEING KEWL? ALRIGHT? U AND ME! WE FRIENDS FOREVER! ash- just think... if i had never met u, then i would have never heard of the doors! look what u've done! :) u are the kewlest kid in the world ! keep smiling! Jess Stevens-we've been friends for like FOREVER and i dont know what i would do without your help in life. you help me through all my guy problems! and all my problems period! hehehe... luv yah! and to all the other gurls! - holly (tim hortans), ash legg, shannon, erin, jenny jones, laura snider (mcdonalds!), danielle (lucas with the lid off), sarah vance (spam), jacenta(happy dance!) HEY TO EVERYONE FROM WOL! hey to all the boyz! Evan, Carmi, Bronson, Karim, Jon.M, Stump, Ben, Brodee, Derek, Adam (fly me to the moon) PARSONS, dave s! taylor... umm... Josh T., Justin(brothers!), dave, fonz,meagan, brett,colin,DUSTIN! (MORBID!), brandon tiao, nathan hanna, Andrew Moore (WOL FOR LIFE) justin kressler(cooked ham) everyone else is amazing! i luv you all and if i remember more names then i will put you up~ love you all for life! MUAH! AuTuMn TuFfIn *the superstar!* *when i fall asleep your all that i see, in my mind and all of my prayers... i wish i could be all that u mean to me my angel without wings* slick shoes * i cant dream any more... since u left.. i miss u singing me to sleep* new found glory... *everyday is a new day, im thankful for every breath i take* POD *gave u this IOU today... its ample for one galaxy, once i build a rocket to the stars... we'll fly away just u and me* the*ataris
