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The NeoScouts

Keika Tomoe
American Name: Keika Tomoe
Civilian Name:Keika Tomoe
Name Meaning (if any): Firefly of Light
Age: 16
Birthday: January 6
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Hobbies: Singing, Dancing, Acting, and hanging out.
Favorite Food: Chinese Noodles
Favorite Color: Blue(Dark)
Favorite Subject: Music
Least Favorite Food: Bananas
Least Favorite Color: Yellow
Least Favorite Subject: Gym
Home Planet: Saturn
Current Residence: Okinawa Japan, 30th Century
Allies: The Neo Scouts
Goals/Dreams: To be an actress and a singer
Civilian Appearance: Keika has long black hair, and dark eyes. She's slender, standing at 5'6". She usually can be found wearing a pair of dark green flare pants, with a three- quarter sleeve matching top, under an army style shirt, which she leaves open with the sleeves rolled up. On her feet she usually has a pair of chunky-toed ankle boots.
Senshi/Kamen Name: Neo Sailor Saturn
Senshi/Kamen Appearance: As NSS she has a pair of knee hair dark blue boots( much like her mothers) and a dark blue skirt. The skirt stops at high thigh. Her fuku(scout uniform) is made cheerleader style with a diamond from the skirt to the top. Bearing most of her lower stomach. The top part of the fuku is like a tank top, with a V-neck. She has a staff, that looks nearly Exactly like Hotaru's except that it looks as though it was mixed with Pluto's staff.
General Personality: Keika is generally cheerful and optomistic. She is slightly louder than her mother, as she is the Leader of the Neo-Scouts. As such she tends to be creative and helpful.
Henshin Phrase: Neo Sailor Saturn- Make Up
Henshin Item: It's a crystal locket, with a saphire gemstone in the center.
Powers (maximum of 4):Neo-Saturn Wall, Neo-Saturn Healing Power, Neo-Saturn Silence, Neo-Saturn Crisis Oblivion

Calli Bolton
American Name: Callista Bolton
Civilian Name:Saikobi Aino
Name Meaning (if any): Beautiful Child of Love
Age: 16
Birthday: February 14
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Hobbies: Singing, Dancing, Acting, playing Tennis.
Favorite Food: Manderin Oranges
Favorite Color: Light orange
Favorite Subject: Gym
Least Favorite Food: Peas
Least Favorite Color: Black
Least Favorite Subject: Math
Home Planet: Venus
Current Residence: Okinawa Japan, 30th Century
Allies: The Neo Scouts
Goals/Dreams: To be a pro Tennis player
Civilian Appearance: Calli wears her long blonde hair pinned away from her face and in corkscrew curls that vary in length. Her deep blue eyes sparkle when she's happy and because she plays tennis she has a slim figure. She can usually be seen wearing a pair of dark blue corderoy flares over chunky boots and a white short sleeved tank top.
Senshi/Kamen Name: Neo Sailor Venus
Senshi/Kamen Appearance: As NSV she has a pair of knee high light orange boots and a light orange skirt. The skirt stops at high thigh. Her fuku(scout uniform) is made cheerleader style with a diamond from the skirt to the top. Bearing most of her lower stomach. The top part of the fuku is like a tank top, with a V-neck.
General Personality: Calli is a "people" person, she gets along well with children, as well as adult. Being a good student to stay on the school's Tennis team as well as a few other activities makes her popular.
Henshin Phrase: Neo Sailor Venus- Make Up
Henshin Item: It's a crystal locket, with an emerald gemstone in the center.
Powers (maximum of 4): Neo-Venus Love Chain, Neo-Venus Love encircle, Neo-Venus Crescent Chain

Alan Bolton
American Name: Alan Bolton
Civilian Name:Miryokuteki Aino
Name Meaning (if any): Handsome Child of Love
Age: 16
Birthday: February 14
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Hobbies: Dancing, Acting, playing the piano
Favorite Food: Fuji Apples
Favorite Color: dark orange
Favorite Subject: Gym
Least Favorite Food: spinach
Least Favorite Color: Gray
Least Favorite Subject: Science
Home Planet: Venus
Current Residence: Okinawa Japan, 30th Century
Allies: The Neo Scouts
Goals/Dreams: To be a professional Piano player
Civilian Appearance: Alan generally wears his short blonde hair long enough to fall mysteriously across his forehead. His gold eyes are quite spectacular and standing at a height of 5'8" he's tall with a fit physique. He can generally be seen in a pair of loose fitting jeans with a white tank top or tee-shirt over them.
Senshi/Kamen Name: Neo Knight Venus
Senshi/Kamen Appearance: As NKV his armor has a gold shine to it. His sword straped to his waist with a belt that matches the armor.
General Personality: Alan tends to be more reserved than his sister, Calli. He hangs around with those he trusts, and only them.
Henshin Phrase: Neo Knight of Venus- Armor Up
Henshin Item: It's a crystal watch, with an emerald gemstone in the center.
Powers (maximum of 4): Neo-knight Blast, Neo-knight Silence, Neo- knight Slash.

Leonora Kino
American Name: Leonora Kino
Civilian Name:Hikari Kino
Name Meaning (if any): Light of Wood
Age: 15
Birthday: February 14
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Hobbies: Dancing, Acting, Playing drums.
Favorite Food: Vanilla Cake
Favorite Color: Spring Green
Favorite Subject: Gym
Least Favorite Food: Avacado
Least Favorite Color: Black
Least Favorite Subject: English
Home Planet: Jupiter
Current Residence: Okinawa Japan, 30th Century
Allies: The Neo Scouts
Goals/Dreams: To be a pro Drummer
Civilian Appearance:Leonora has large brown eyes and a sad look in her face some of them time. The rest of the time her eyes show joy and happiness. her Short brown hair is worn in a cute layered bob. She can usually be seen wearing a pinkish dress that has the style of a peasent from England during the Rennisance.
Senshi/Kamen Name: Neo Sailor Jupiter
Senshi/Kamen Appearance: As NSJ she has a pair of knee high light green boots and a light green skirt. The skirt stops at high thigh. Her fuku(scout uniform) is made cheerleader style with a diamond from the skirt to the top. Bearing most of her lower stomach. The top part of the fuku is like a tank top, with a V-neck.
General Personality: Leonora has a cheerful happy attititude. She is most likey found making fun of her brother Luke in a kidding manner. The two are twins and act the part perfectly.
Henshin Phrase: Neo Sailor Jupiter- Make Up
Henshin Item: It's a crystal locket, with an opal gemstone in the center.
Powers (maximum of 4): Neo-Pressure Crash, Neo-lightning smash

Luke Kino
American Name: Lucas Kino
Civilian Name:Ru-ku
Name Meaning (if any): Light of Wood
Age: 15
Birthday: February 14
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Hobbies: Acting, Football, guitar
Favorite Food: Granny Smith Apples
Favorite Color: dark green
Favorite Subject: Gym
Least Favorite Food: brocalli
Least Favorite Color: Pink
Least Favorite Subject: Home Economics
Home Planet: Jupiter
Current Residence: Okinawa Japan, 30th Century
Allies: The Neo Scouts
Goals/Dreams: To be a professional Football player
Civilian Appearance: Luke wears his dark black and brown hair long and in a ponytail in back of his head. his brown eyes sparkle when he has a plan. Usually found in baggy jeans and a white t-shirt under a dark jacket. His physique is better than most of the other knights because of his football training.
Senshi/Kamen Name: Neo Knight Jupiter
Senshi/Kamen Appearance: As NKJ his armor has an aqua shine to it. His sword straped to his waist with a belt that matches the armor.
General Personality: Luke tends to be cautious, and yet exciteable at the same time, making a dangerous combination when in battle. He's full of life and is usually trying to think of ways to get out of the trouble that Evan's gotten him into.
Henshin Phrase: Neo Knight of Jupiter- Armor Up
Henshin Item: It's a crystal watch, with an opal gemstone in the center.
Powers (maximum of 4): Neo-JK-Slash, Neo-JK-Clash

Eve Hino
American Name: Eve Hino
Civilian Name:Inochi Hino
Name Meaning (if any): Life of Fire
Age: 15
Birthday: April 23
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Hobbies: Dancing, Acting, Being a Shrine Madaine.
Favorite Food: Vanilla Coke
Favorite Color:Ruby Red
Favorite Subject: Global History
Least Favorite Food: Sushi
Least Favorite Color: White
Least Favorite Subject: Science Nat
Home Planet: Mars
Current Residence: Okinawa Japan, 30th Century
Allies: The Neo Scouts
Goals/Dreams: To be a Priestess
Civilian Appearance:Eve has purple eyes and her hair is if possible light black. Almost like a purple but not quite. She's thin and generally wears her shrine outfit, which is much like Rei(her mothers)'s except that Eve's is outlined in a green color.
Senshi/Kamen Name: Neo Sailor Mars
Senshi/Kamen Appearance: As NSM she has a pair of knee high light Red boots and a light red skirt. The skirt stops at high thigh. Her fuku(scout uniform) is made cheerleader style with a diamond from the skirt to the top. Bearing most of her lower stomach. The top part of the fuku is like a tank top, with a V-neck.
General Personality: Eve's attitude is that of a serious child. She can be funny and then serious in a matter of moments, she tends to be very protective of her younger brother Evan.
Henshin Phrase: Neo Sailor Mars- Make Up
Henshin Item: It's a crystal locket, with an Ruby gemstone in the center.
Powers (maximum of 4): Flame Surround, Flame Sniper, Flame Charge

Evan Hino
American Name: Evan Hino
Civilian Name:Wakai Senshi Hino
Name Meaning (if any): Young Warrior of Fire
Age: 14
Birthday: May 1
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Hobbies: Acting, Tennis player
Favorite Food: Chocolate Pie
Favorite Color: Dark Red
Favorite Subject: Gym
Least Favorite Food: pears
Least Favorite Color: olive green
Least Favorite Subject: Tech/Shop
Home Planet: Mars
Current Residence: Okinawa Japan, 30th Century
Allies: The Neo Scouts
Goals/Dreams: To be a professional Tennis player
Civilian Appearance: Evan's fire engine red hair points him out while his equally firey eyes stand out. He's shorter than the others but slim in stature.
Senshi/Kamen Name: Neo Knight Mars
Senshi/Kamen Appearance: As NKM his armor has a red shine to it. His sword straped to his waist with a belt that matches the armor.
General Personality: Evan is one of the youngest of the Knights, he's deadly serious about his tennis though. Usually playing the role of the mischief maker he is always getting the others in trouble and using his age to get out of it.
Henshin Phrase: Neo Knight of Mars- Armor Up
Henshin Item: It's a crystal watch, with an Ruby gemstone in the center.
Powers (maximum of 4): Neo-MK-Fire, Neo-MK-Burn

Marina Mizuno
American Name: Marina Mizuno
Civilian Name:Kaijou Mizuno
Name Meaning (if any): Of the Sea
Age: 15
Birthday: February 29
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Hobbies: Dancing, Acting, riding her dirtbike
Favorite Food: Blueberries
Favorite Color:Aqua
Favorite Subject: Science
Least Favorite Food: Oranges
Least Favorite Color: Brown
Least Favorite Subject: Gym
Home Planet: Mercury
Current Residence: Okinawa Japan, 30th Century
Allies: The Neo Scouts
Goals/Dreams: To be a Pro Motocross racer
Civilian Appearance:Marina is usually found wearing her motorcycle suit, with her hair in a ponytail. Her long blue hair stops about her waist and her grey eyes hold laughter in them.
Senshi/Kamen Name: Neo Sailor Mercury
Senshi/Kamen Appearance: As NSM she has a pair of knee high light blue boots and a light blue skirt. The skirt stops at high thigh. Her fuku(scout uniform) is made cheerleader style with a diamond from the skirt to the top. Bearing most of her lower stomach. The top part of the fuku is like a tank top, with a V-neck.
General Personality: Marina tends to think things through more so than the others. Being the expert on most things logical she points things out nicely when one of the others is about to make a mistake.
Henshin Phrase: Neo Sailor Mercury- Make Up
Henshin Item: It's a crystal locket, with a saphire gemstone in the center.
Powers (maximum of 4): Water Banishment, Bubbles Illusion, Ice Water Freeze

Stone Tou American Name: Stone Tou
Civilian Name:Iwa Tou
Name Meaning (if any):Stone
Age: 16
Birthday: Jan 7
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Hobbies: Acting, playing guitar
Favorite Food: Red Jello
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Subject: Gym
Least Favorite Food: Olives
Least Favorite Color: White
Least Favorite Subject: none
Home Planet: Saturn
Current Residence: Okinawa Japan, 30th Century
Allies: The Neo Scouts
Goals/Dreams: To be a professional bass player
Civilian Appearance: Stone is taller than the other knights and has broad shoulders. His grey eyes shield any emotion or show all depending on who you are. Usually he'd found in a dark grey hoodie and a pair of blue jeans.
Senshi/Kamen Name: Neo Knight Saturn
Senshi/Kamen Appearance: As NKS his armor has a black shine to it. His sword straped to his waist with a belt that matches the armor.
General Personality: Stone is serious and dedicated to whatever he does. He's also blunt, saying what he feels when he feels it needs to be said.
Henshin Phrase: Neo Knight of Saturn- Armor Up
Henshin Item: It's a crystal watch, with an Moonstone gemstone in the center.
Powers (maximum of 4): To be decided upon later