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What we have done...
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Riddled With B(log)ullets

Tuesday, 12 July 2005

Last throes indeed
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: What we have done...
Shooting Dogs in Iraq for - Freedom?

Well...I will assume that I am going to be screaming into the abyss on this one, but I will say it anyway. People lately have been talking about War Crimes on and Electronic Iraq and by definition, these bombings of civilian areas and killings of dogs and shit are war crimes. But since reading Howard Zinn's books "A people's history of the USA" and "Passionate Declarations" I have come to the conclusion that in fact, war is a crime.
"What is this guy saying?" you might be thinking...but think about it. When else do you get honored for cutting off childrens' heads? Or shooting people who may/may not be a threat instead of arresting them and taking them to court? How else can you make huge sums of money for making people kill eachother and not get sent to prison for or get the death penaly for it (the Nuremburg trials aside, thought these were also a farce)?
These times are fucked up? No laws are really obeyed. Especially the ones that are supposed to keep us safe. Nobody obeys the drug laws. You can get drugs anywhere in the US, which says something very horrifying about the War on Terror. You can buy liquor and that's a drug? But pot?! Don't even THINK about it. The penalty is ass-raping and malicious treatment by overzealous corrections officers in some gulag built by a greedy man. These fools on FOX, NBC, CNN and whatever are FOOLS to think that using more military might will stop anything.
You can't crush the desire to be FREE! Remember VIETNAM!!! The hugest military on the face of the Earth, possibly in recorded history lost to organized people. What the US is failing to understand is that just because there are doesn't mean that they will be followed. THEY DON'T FOLLOW INTERNATIONAL LAW FOR SHIT!!! More people need to "Bite The HAnd That FEEDS!" (--Trent Reznor)People just need to have everything they need. Do you think that if Iraqis were free of our military, had proper medical care, housing, running water, and food that people would blow themselves and others apart? Would Americans that had nothing to worry about like endless debt, war, joblessness, lack of food etc. be so inclined to inebriate themselves with harmful chemicals? Real War coverage from people who live in Iraq

Posted by Nate the Guitarist at 11:19 AM MDT
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