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Lily's World

Well then, I suppose I should tell a little about myself here. It's hard to desrcibe yourself in your own words, when someone else's seem so much more accurate. It's easier to recognise yourself in one another's stories, poems or songs. Because when it comes down to it, I can't find the words to match the emotions twirling and twisting inside me. Plus, I'm having a hard time finishing what I start *lil grin* I have countless stories and poems saved on my computer. They were all born in a time where emotions grew big. Either happy or sad, it doesn't matter. When I really start to feel, my hand finds it way to a piece of paper or the keyboard.

I can't begin to tell you what all the words mean. At the time I wrote them, they made perfect sense. Very often, when I read back on things I wrote, I feel like such a drama queen. When a 'normal' person has emotions, they know where it comes from and how to deal with them. With me, the emotion is at least ten times as strong and I can never find what triggered it. Nor do I know how to stop my train of thoughts at that perticular time.

Anywho, enough psycho analysing, that's what therapists are put into this world for ;) Go ahead, feel free to browse around, take a look in my head...

"To see the world in a grain of sand
And heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour"
William Blake - Aguiries of Innocence

Poetry & Stories
Step into a world
Songs of the Damned