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Westport Basketball

"We've got skills, drills, and thrills..."

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Saturday - 2/23/02
Saturday - 1/26/02
Friday - 1/18/02
    10:30 PM:
  • Hey guys, I've been working hard on the site to get up the last few pages. I am happy to announce that the much anticipated League Pictures site is officially up! I've only been out there one week with my camera, so there aren't a whole lot yet, but check there often to try to find yourself ballin' it up on the court. Also, with some help from Alex and Ryan, I got together all of the stats from the first season. These can now be viewed in the Previous Stats section along with the stats from Season 2 which has just concluded. I've also got career stats calculated, which if not posted by now, will be posted soon in either the Current Stats, or Previous Stats section...I haven't decided yet. Currently the news on playing this weekend is still up in the air. If enough people can get together and are interested we might play on Saturday, the 19th, but I will not be able to attend. If you guys do end up playing, just print out a few Scorecards and Statcards and relay them back to me eventually so I can get them into the stats. We will definately be playing Sunday, the 20th, and possibly Monday, Martin Luther King Day, but I believe a few of us have soccer conflicts that day which may make it hard to round up enough people. Well other than that everything seems to be going fine. There's been some controversy on the Message Board, let's all just calm down a little here guys. The bios were done fairly, and voluntarily by Bret who did them all in fun for our benefit, not to be taken so seriously. I understand the complaints, but I think we all need to lighten up a little about it. Matt is currently in the process of writing some bios from his point of view, or so he says, and once he gets them to me, I will post both his and Bret's in the Player Bios Section. Well that's all for now. Hope to see you guys this weekend. ~Kenny

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Wednesday - 1/16/02
Tuesday - 1/15/02

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