Kitten's Site

As of: November 3, 2003

Life is short: Forgive quickly. Kiss softly. Love deeply.

I feel
.i n f i n i t e.

"Here's to the crazy ones.
The misfits.
The rebels.
The troublemakers.
The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently.
They aren't fond of rules.
And they have no respect for the status quo.
You can quote them.
Disagree with them.
Glorify or
Villify them.
But the only thing you can't do:
Is ignore them.
Because they change things.
They push the human race forward.
And while some may see them as the crazy ones, I see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world
Are the ones who do"

Rest In Peace Jon.

la vérité sera découverte de nouveau toujours

Hm.. I haven't updated this in well over a year. I figured it was time to do some working again. Considering I do nothing as it is. I don't even know where to start. Not a lot has happened.. but then again, a lot has happened. So, it's all over the place. Check out the song of the week, I absolutely love it. I can't believe how much it impacts me. If you've never heard it, download it. I think it's awesome.
So.. Joe and Tom's birthdays are coming up soon.. Joe the 6th, Tom the 30th. Happy early birthday guys. 18.. it's big. Apparantly I own Joe family guy... even though i gave it back to him long ago! Haha. No, really, I did.
So we have no gas at my house. Apparantly the bill hasn't been paid in over a year. Oh well. It happens right?
Disney in like 17 or so days. That is the coolest thing that's going to happen all year. I loved it last time. Even though I came back with a funny illness that STILL hasn't gone away. I try to deal. We leave the 20th.. so if you want me to send you a disney postcard, please give me your address before that date.
So.. This is what it feels like to be a senior. Besides having cheese classes, I feel no different. I'm getting all A's.. something I haven't done since probably 5th grade. That's amazing. I do nothing the entire day. It's strange. I'm used to hard work honors/AP.. Even German is a breeze. I'm so confused.
Halloween was pretty cool. Went trick-or-treating for the last time ever! I said I'd do it until I was 18. Next Halloween I will be 18. And have a tattoo on my body. Possibly 2. Who knows? Speaking of, my tattoo's gonna be cool. It's gonna be on my lower back. If all goes according to plan.
Mostly I just hope I make it to see tomorrow.

I sometimes have a hard time taking another step. I sometimes have a hard time feeling beautiful. I sometimes have a hard time taking just one more breath.


Nothing This Week... Check back later!

p.s. here's some motivation...
Hm, let's see. Nothing special has happened i just feel like typing. I have been spending a lot of time thinking recently, and about nothing in particular. Just the world around me. It's actually been really fun. I spent the night last night at Cassie's, and we stayed up half the night talking about what's been bothering us. Past and present. I think it was helpful for the both of us, and I think we learned a lot about eachother again. It's hard sometimes to tell what you really want in life, but if you just take a few moments, and ponder what you're really doing, I have faith in you that you can figure it out. Sometimes that's all you need is a little thinking time. Let's see, this summer had by far been the greatest, even though it's had it's downfalls, the downfalls have been either fun to get dragged into, or funny as hell. There's so many people this summer that I have done stuff with, I'm happy for friends. I can't believe in 2 years we're going to be out of high school. It's extremely hard to believe I'm just going to walk away from the most fun I've ever had in life. That's amazing. Our school years together are almost up. Let's enjoy them like they're never going to end. Because someday you're going to look back and say "WOW! Why didn't I do that when I had the time?" So let's all have fun, and forget about the past, and the future. I don't want to have to worry about 20 years down the line because of something right now, I just want to do. End of story.

If someone ever asks you why you did something, tell them "Because I can." It's like the universal answer to the question. No one can take away your abilities, unless you abuse them. So, keep watch on what you are doing, but have fun. I cannot stress that enough. Don't get into committed relationships, they just end in heartbreak. Especially at this age. And don't get jealous. Even though it's really hard not to, there are some people that you think have it easier, better, are prettier or whatnot. But you have things that they lack. And they're probably jealous of you for what you have that they don't. And you are who you are, no matter if you change your hair color, get color contacts, change your attitude, you're still the same you. Respect you and you'll go places, and you'll have it much better then the person you were jealous of, because you'll have a strong sense of self. And you'll love yourself. I speak of the heart. Just listen. You don't have to understand and follow this now. But someday you'll see that when you were in that position things weren't as they seemed, and that other person didn't see what you saw. So, be understanding. Thanks. Oh, by the way, that person you lost to someone "prettier," you really haven't lost, you just never pressed after them like you should have. You have the potential to get anything you dream of, and as long as you have the drive, you'll achieve it.
Love Always, Kara

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Realizations in life!

  • angelfire doesn't have a guestbook!!
  • nothing stays the same
  • no matter how caring you want to be, sometimes you just have to be a bitch
  • I am a besuching schlagt (visiting racket)
  • sponge bob will forever be cool
  • i must give in to the chocolate temptation, because lactose intolrance sux
  • peptobismal tastes bad
  • so does nyquil
  • condoms are so funny!!
  • dicks are funny too... and fun (lol)
  • there is a proper way to pull down someone's pants
  • suckers are very seductive.. as are popsicles
  • wearing short shorts makes people look at your butt
  • when you burst out laughing people are going to look at you like you are psycho
  • as twizzlers say... play first, eat later
  • nick knows everything about computers
  • hands are such a funny instrument
  • the trombone is bigger then the clarinet
  • food is good, especially food i can actually eat
  • stomach problems suck
  • Finally: life sux, get over it
