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Hey, we are a band called Spudnuts. We are band out of Plano, Tx. So far things have been going pretty well for us. We should be cutting our first CD before school is let out. Its a really kickin CD and you should check it out. We are selling it for either $3 or $5. The name of it we are not sure of, it will be cool. Me(Brent), Ace, and Lance are the trio of the band. Chase we are not sure of at this point. We plan to keep been a band and making cd's. One of our main point we try to get arcoss to people in our songs is that life is more than what you live by. These groups everyone is in and how every one has to be the same, its stupid and pointless.

Who we are

Other Stuff

about ACE
about LANCE
about BRENT
about Chase
my bro's band
my bro's other band
Songs and Lyrics