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Oodles fo Noodles



    So, have you ever wanted to see a movie really bad when it came out, but couldn't because you didn't have the money or your parents won't let you see it?


    Well, I'm here to save your day.  I can give you advice as to what to do when this happens.  I'm very experienced in this type of tragedy.


    First things first.  I have seen many movies when they come out.  I can go step by step with you and at your own pace.  All you have to do is scroll up and down the page.  Please enjoy.*


1. The first and only step to this is to, get your lazy bum off the couch and get a job.  That gives you the money to go and see a movie.  Or what I usually do, which is much easier, is to go to your parents, suck up, and ask for some money to go.  For this process, be nice to your parents for at least 2 hours following the movie.

2. Secondly, when you get to the movie, don't get really fattening or buttery popcorn.  It will only make you lazier (while the earth is shaking when you walk).  It will then make it harder to get off your bum!

3. Go to CLICK HERE! to see how stupid you really are. (Hint: You are already proving yourself stupid by visiting my site).

4. Next, go to the movie theater, buy your ticket with the money that you are supposed to have, and pay to get in.  Your movie should be rated from G to X.  Or else, you have no reason to be there. 

5. If you have to go to the bathroom, pee your pants.  You already worked hard enough to get the money.  So just enjoy watching the movie with wet pants.  I always enjoy that.  Also, go to any of the Play Places at any fast food restaurants and you can wet your pants there.  I did that once for my birthday potty. Oops, i mean, party.

6. If people complain of the smell, just make farting noises as well.  It adds great affect.  Also, you can tell the people to take the retard test. You should as well.  It's not a joke.

7. Eat Fruity Pebbles.  Not Cocoa Pebbles.  It has to be Fruity Pebbles.  (It will help get get rid of the smell.)

8. When you get home from the movie, your mom will be very proud.  She will say, "I'm so proud of you!  My little girl is growing up!  Now on to Pull-Ups with wings!"  Don't mind her.  Moms get so emotional with these types of things.

9. Go take the loser test.

10. If you have any questions, problems, comments, complaints, e-mail me.  I would love to hear from all of you.

11. Eat spinach.

12. Don't eat candy.  We're all alergic to it.  We get sick from it.

13. Skip this step.

14. Don't do any of this.

15. If you have done all or most of this, consider yourself a moron.  CONGRADULATIONS!!!!!!!  I AM SO ASHAMED OF YOU!!


* This site was meant to be taken as a joke. Not seriously like some people would.