Below are submissions that have
been sent in to our site by various readers.
These submissions reflect nothing about our website's opinions
Anything sunmitted that is not vulgar is posted.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed.
To give us your own submission, click here

From: Catherine McDade

There is a story about 2 tunnels in Downingtown, maybe set ten feet away from eachother, and there is a wire thats runs in between them. Supposedly a man hung himself from the middle wire for reasons unknown. Legend says if you go to the tunnels and trun off your car and roll down your windows, you can hear footsteps walking across puddles and then the sharp crack of a rope as if smeone was hanging themself. Theres also another story that says a biker gang brutally murdered a woman and chopped her up and stuck her pieces in a suitcase. If you drive through the tunnel it is reported that you can see a spray painted picture of a suitcase with an arm coming out of it pointing down that says help me. Now for my encounter. Me and my cousin drove there once in teh day and once at night. During the day we went to the middle section (where the wire is) so i could grab a few pictures and while we were stopped we heard a high pitched scream. It probably was something else but there was nothing around I could identify it with. We searched for the spraypainted picture but found nothing. When we came back later that night to take more pictures, we found the picture in a place where we had looked before but it had not been. I tried to take pictures but it would just not show up, i used my digital camera and everytime i got just a wall. Very strange. i have also been to the cult house and supposedly midgetville and other places.

Name: ravinangel
subm: Haunted Place Submission

Sub: ok here it is, this is a story i heard all my
life from so many dirffent people .. and i'm always looking
for a ghost everywhere i to the story .. on night
about 30 years ago a truck driver (yea another truck driver story)
was droping off a load when he saw a women dressed in a long
white silk robe with flowing red hair so he stoped to
ask her if she needed any help and she just smiled and got
in the truckwell not even 2 miles down the road he looked
over and she was gone well he truned so white his hair turend
gray and olny told one person befor he died 3 weeks.. and
people that i talked to who sads to have seen her said there
is a tree that no snow anything will lay there it is
always dry .. they say thats where she died ..then about 9
years ago they were doing road work and left the bulldozer there
under the tree when they came back in the moring it was 2
miles up the road ..... i could find out more not to many
people talk about or give up anything around here but it
is always foggy and gives me the creeps when i walk
down it at night just to see if i could just get a look
at is on old airport road off of 95 in new castle
de i not sure if the rd name it use to be hog swamp rd
now it may be so st james rd i get back to you with
that if you want


My experience with the paranormal came flashing back into my
mind as I was browsing through your website and landed on
the page entitled "Phone Calls From the Dead." This story
is 100% true and only my close family knows about it. I had an
old friend who's name I will change due to the circumstances of
the story. I knew Gary from the time I was 16 years old.
He had always been heavily into drugs. By the time I was in
my 30's I had not seen him for many years and from what I had
heard through the grapevine he had been in and out of jail due
to drug use and his health was slowly deteriorating.
One winter night, it was cold and raining out and I heard a
knock at my door. Out of the blue there stood Gary! I let him in,
and we reminiced about the past and how long it had been since
the last time we had seen each other. Well I went into the kitchen
to make some hot chocolate and he proceded into my bathroom.
As I was chatting to him from the kitchen as I made the hot chocolate,
he came out of the bathroom and sat down in my living room, on the
couch. We were talking back and forth when all of a sudden he stopped
talking mid sentence and I rushed out of the kitchen into the
living room to find him unconcious, sitting upright on the couch.
I screamed, called out his name and slapped him on the face.
He did not look good at all, and I called 911. He was taken away
in an ambulance and I followed in my car. The emergency room scene
was hectic and I was not allowed to see what was going on. After about
an hour, in total shock I received the news that he had died! I
drove home in utter shock from the hospital. As I entered my
apartment the phone was ringing. As I went to answer it I was
thinking it was probably someone from the hospital...
who else would call at 3:00 am? When I picked up the phone the
first thing that I noticed was the major static on the phone line.
The only similarity that I can think of is when you connect to the
internet through a dial up connection. I said "Hello?" and
almost fell over when I heard my name being said by the exact voice
and person I had known most of my life as Gary.....
my friend who had just died!!!! Do you know how when you talk to
your mom, dad, brother or sister or friend and you just KNOW it is
them because of past history. There is just no doubt? Well I
KNEW it was Gary. He said my name in a questioning voice and as
soon as mybrain thought *this can't be happening... I just left
him at the hospital...he's dead!* the phone wen't dead.
No click, nothing just silence, static and all. Over the years
I have had time to think about this incident and I truly believe
that Gary died so suddenly that he did not even realize that he was
dead and when he found himself on the other side not knowing what
had happened,somehow he was able to contact me, looking for an
answer to where he was. I do believe there are spiritual laws
though and the dead talking to the living for any length of time
isn't one of them :) Sorry this is so long, you may edit it at
your discretion.


Name: Deena
subm: Haunted Place Submission

Sub: Hi, there. Very nice piece about Cult House. I have been
there many times, and written about it a little. My experiences
are too long to write here, but if you'd like to read them,
they've been published on lots of different websites.
Here's one:
I agree with pretty much everything you've said about the house.
I wasn't aware that the road was called Cossart.
Is there a sign? There very well could be, as I haven't been there in many years.
I can tell you that I have tried to find it on maps, but never could,
there is just a blank space between the two roads it connects.
Of course, I haven't seen every map in the world, so there's a good
chance some DO have it! *lol*

Anyway, great piece. Glad to see I'm not the only one who was
ever interested in that old house. :)


Oh, and one more thing, I have reason to believe the legend is more
than 15 years old. A man who was 47 at the time, told me he had
heard the legend in high school, 30 years earlier. That was in 1997.
So, we can trace it back to at least 1967. Weird, huh?
Also, the legend about the inbred Dupont children is often (very often)
told about AI Dupont hospital, too. Usually the shards of glass imbedded
in the wall surrounding the hospital are sited as having been
installed as a security measure -- supposedly to keep them in.
Again, weird.

Name: Tyrone EBWS Beinjure
subm: Suggested Site Addition

Sub: Dave Sherman and I went down to check out this house, and we got chased away by 2 red pick up trucks and we couldnt see the faces on the drivers! We freaked and drove away then more red trucks approached us, like trying to play chicken then they dissapeared again and we havent gone back since!!!

Name: Tim
subm: Paranormal Experience Submission

Sub: This submission is about something that happened to me and my friends on Cossart road. I have heard all of the stories about Cossart road and i had been there many times before without incident. I have been to your web site before, and read your opinion on the road and how it all wasnt true. It was last saturday night me and three friends took two cars to Cossart road, after a movie, just to scare ourselves. We parked by that fence with all that writing on it, and got out of our cars. We wanted to go check out a light that we saw down a driveway. We went up to the driveway where the light was and stayed there for no more than 2 mins. It was raining out and extreamly creepy, but i still did not see anything out of the ordinary. We left the driveway with the light and ran back to our cars, about a 50 yard dash. We got in and we left. I was taking my friend home and we were right by his house when he told me to look at the windshield. I glanced over and saw a streaked handprint on the passanger side. I told my friend if he was messing with me it wasnt cool, and he said he didnt do it. I started to get very freaked out. We got to his house and we looked around the car., and we found two more on the passenger side. The handprints themselves were not like normal handprints. I tried to recreate them, but I couldnt. Anyway, we were sitting in my car looking at these things, and I figured that the only time they could have been created is when we were out of my car looking at the driveway. The hand prints were all on the side with the woods, and whatever made them came from the woods. I then called my friend who was driving the car behind me and told him the story. he asked me if i was lying and it would be so not cool if i was. i told him i wasnt. He looked around his car and he found one one on the windshield and two on the side. He got very scared. I then hung up with him and went home. When i got home i called him again, and he said that he talked to his friend about the road. His friend said the the exact same thing happend to him. Now you may not believe that anything happens on the road, either did i, but i had an experience which i can not explain. Oh and the handprint on the windshield wont come off.

Name: Ed Worrilow
subm: Haunted Place Submission
Sub: "Cult House Road"

Last night (07/05/03) Myself, Matt, Dan, and Alan (friends), figured we would drive down the oh so famous "Cult House Road". All along the road there are 666s and KKKs painted on the trees and what not. But I recollected the one time I drove my brother and his friend there in the day, we saw these hooded man walking around this big pile of sticks (9 ft tall pile) they just kept circling around it, pretty weird, so we kept driving and saw the hole in the skull tree and written in it is the word ryan, which was funny cause my brother's friend's name was ryan, so he was freaked out. Supposedly a baby was sacraficed and placed in that hole. So we went to the end of the road and had to circle back again, through the road, and the hooded men were gone, but we did see the 2 wooden spikes sticking out of the ground with 3 large boulder in front blocking a long pathway up a hill. Well, anyway, back to last night, it was dark, around 9:30, and as we drive my freind keeps stopping the damn car to see what was written on the road, I hate comming to a stop on that road. So anyway we drive by and see the most horrifying thing ever, there is a 25 MPH sign on the road, quite big, but it was freaking covered in blodd, I am not lying, I swear, this wasn't paint, I could tell, the way it was just smearerd over was just . . .jhejhejhe . . .ok I'm scared just thinking about it. So we kept driving and then around the bend where the skull tree is we see these headlights, so we decide to let them pass, we pulled over to the side of the road. We put the car in park, we let them pass, but they didn't just pass, they slowed to like 5 miles an hour and looked at us in the car. Now these guys in this pickup truck were freaky, and if you've ever seen the movie "Deliverance" you'll know what I'm talking about. The guy just freaking stared, holding up the car behind him, man, it was crazy. We all wanted out of there, so we just drove, away, but then bvack again. Damn, it was misty and everything. Let me tell you this. If ! you want a rush of energy and straight up freaky feeling, take a bunch of friends and drive on Cult House Road. (By the way, forgive any spelling errors, as I'm so caught up in writting it may happen). Go down Rte. 1, and right before the wooden WaWa, take a left, and it's on you're right. Just don't get out. My freinds and I are going to try to get our picture taken by the bloody sign, If we do, I'll post it, somehow. Happy driving!!

My name is John and I live in Wilmington, Delaware. I grew up hearing stories about Cult House Road from my older sister and other kids I knew. I was always intrigued but had never actually heard anything about where the road really was. Finally a few years ago when I was 17 a group of my friends and I decided to make a pilgrimage to the road considering one of them actually knew where it was. The sun had just gone down and it was early November. We pulled onto the main road and drove to the intersection where you can either make a left, turn around or proceed into the heavily wooded area of Cossart where the house itself is located. We stopped there for a minute and then headed into the darkness. As you know the road is quite twisted and I don't need to talk about how creepy the trees are. Anyway, we were pretty deep into the road at this point when I noticed headlines up ahead. The problem is that the road is too narrow or pass the oncoming car so we had to back up. I was the first to see as the vehicle came around the corner and into our view that it was a beat up old red pick up truck with its brights on. I don't know how true it is but growing up the only story that kept reappearing was that of a red pick up truck. The truck would not stop and chased us off of the dark wooded strip of road entirely in reverse. We finally got turned around and took off the rest of the way. But the truck still kept in pursuit until we finally lost it on Rt. 52 in rush hour traffic. We never got a look at the driver. Could easily be chalked up to a disgruntled local or prankster but it was none the less one of the most frightening experiences I have ever had. I don't know if this story is even interesting or unique enough to report but I thought it couldn't hurt.


Hi there, This is a 'new' apartment. It has been remodeled but the original hardwood floors have some really dark stains in the kitchen, which we were told are due to a top layer of flooring being taken out which would have stained the wood.
One bedroom is extremely cold. We do feel like there's a 'presence' in the apt. I didn't feel it when we first looked at the apartment, but there was a 'barn' fire next door which may have something to do with the new presence. The barn (which seemed to just be a storage facility) has since been torn down.
I haven't stayed at the place much. My friend only goes in and out and has only moved his clothes and some kitchen items in. No furniture yet. He has two phones. They are cordless and you can place the receiver in the cradle face-out or face-in. He places them face-out, and when he comes back they are face-in, or one is off the hook completely. His closet doors are open even though he closed them. He has two pictures on a windowsill, one specifically created for him, and I haven't asked if those have been 'toppled'. If not, my take is that the spirit has nothing against my friend, but is trying to get attention for other purposes.
Today we're going to see if the baking soda he sprinkled in front of the doorways has footprints.
We'll also do some regular cleaning (mopping etc) as well as incense and candle burning, clapping (to change the energy flow according to feng shui), and playing some peaceful music. We'll ask the spirit to leave.
My take is that the spirit doesn't like the clothes being moved in and it is trying to communicate-phones symbolizing communication. Since the place hasn't formally been claimed-there being no furniture and no one spending the night there, I think doing these cleansing exercises and openly claiming the space should work. Several people on confirmed that these would be proper exercises. That's a great forum, by the way.
I'll keep you posted.


The old Allentown State Hospital on River Road in Allentown is said to be very haunted. It is said that at night if you are brave enough to venture into the old building you will hear chains rattling and screams of the people that were tortured there. I personally have a personal experience with the state hospital and everything everyone says around here is true. Also, it is said that there use to be a bridge connecting the state hospital with constitution dr. And when the asylum would get too full they would release some people. These people were said to murder plenty of people on constituion dr. If you just drive down this street you get a very bad vibe and you are garunteed to see something.
Steph and Ash

Name: JB Email: Email subm: Haunted Place Submission Sub: I happen to know someone who lives on cossart road and they say that there is nothing wrong with the road at all. The trees happen to grow kind of weird and so people look too much into it and make it into a cult following. This nice man has had a number of instances where people have been doing illegal things on his property claiming to be worshipping the devil. As a result he has hired people to keep a watch on his property and at times will even go out himself to follow kids off his property. Most of the time it is like 2 in the morning and he just wants to know why people are parked there so he goes out to check on them. Being drunk and already paranoid, the kids will drive away thinking they are being "chased" and this guy will follow them as i probably would too to make sure they are safe and maybe to get an idea of who was trespassing on his proerty at 2 in the morning. The guy has lived on the property all his life and has had no problems with "evil" occurences other than messed up kids with stories in their heads. Also people who take the "devil" idea too far and write KKK stuff all over it and even have burned crosses. As for me, I've never been out there and actaully probably wouldnt.

I went up to devils road/cossart road 2 times in the past 2 weekends... once got chased by white broncos...Went back again and nothing.... Is it just b.s. kids playin games or possibly real wack jobs? please send you're opinion... Do you have any info on this so called "midgetville" and if so, could you please supply info on how to get to it.. thanks...


OK.. so i dont' thin ki have ever been more scared in my entire life. My friends and I live in chadds ford and other areas surrounding the chadds ford area. Well i live in chadds ford, but neways me and my friend decided to check it out during the day one time and it was not scary... but then tonight... sunday night mind you after 10... we decide to check it out. It's me and 3 other people in a car and then 3 other friends in another car. We pull on cosart and it's not that scary then we decide to hop out of the car and it's not soo bad for a while... we get back in the car and drive all the way to the end. We make a left onto montchanin road and all along this road are creepy houses and what not... weird sheds and the randomest stuff you've ever seen. Our friend are in the car behind us and we decide to pull into a particularly scary looking driveway that says private! haha.. so we decide to get back on the main road and follow our friends car. then someone suggest turning on a certain Bullock Rd. our friends kept going and then we notice this white jeep turn on after us... We're a lil scared, but we just stay calm and they keep a safe following distance at first and then it's not so cool anymore... they kept gettin closer and we kept yelling to speed up and this is like a 25 mph road and we're like pushing 60 and these ppl are not lettin up. We pass neighborhood after neighborhood.... i'm thouroughly ready to break down in tears and pee myself all at once. so this guy behind will not back off... it's to the point where if these ppl were joking it wasn't funny anymore... Then we decide to put on our right turn signal on up at the next stop sign and go left, so we blow the stop sign cuz we are scared to death and this car like comes out of nowhere so we swerve out of the way... NEARLY DYING... omg, and they are still on our tail... what kind of messed up crap is that.... so finally we see rt. 1 and i've never been more glad to see rt 1 in my life. I would suggest not going on cossart rd or any surrounding roads cuz some serious wack jobs live out there.


A couple of weeks ago, me, my boyfriend and his friend went on the road, Cossart road, and nothing really happened at first, but as we got further into the road we saw headlights and this beat up white truck. It was just sitting there waiting or something. So we passed them and saw 4 guys in the truck the driver had these weird side burns that grew towards his cheek. Anyway, when we passed them we turned around and ended up chasing them! It was so funny! While we were in back of them they kept flashing this light in their car. It was weird. The next time we went up there they were in another car and we ended up chasing them again. It was the same 4 people, flashing the same light. The next time we went they were in a old blue escort but we just keep going because we knew that its just a bunch of dumb kids playing jokes. If theres anyone out there with a story similar to mine, please write me. Thanks


Name: alison
subm: Haunted Place Submission
Sub: hey

me and my friends have been looking for this house for a while.
we finally know where it is but havent gotten a chance to go yet.
i heard many stories and we're gonna try to get as close as we
can to it, and videotape. there is this other abandoned church on
spring valley road, i think. my teacher told me that was the satanic
church but it doesnt seem to be. i heard there were more than one.
i went up to the church and looked inside. there's pews and a bunch of
old wood, thats it. theres no way to get in, w/o breaking shit. is the
security still watching in the middle of the day, cuz thats when i think
i'm gonna go. i also heard of midgetville, my friend knows where it is.
i heard that the lady in the bronco chases you out there also.
i dont know. later

Name: evelyn
subm: Paranormal Experience Submission

Sub: i think ive had a demon following me sence i was 3. i had this dream and he came to me and asked me to come with him but i said no but in my dream i ran to my father and he had strange over tone about him and he told me to go with him so i walk up to him slowly and he grabed me and kissed me,and i woke up with my tounge down my throat. he had long black hair,all black eyes,very tall,thin but shaply and pail skin.he was also wearing a black robehes been following me around very carefully,hes also raped me or it seems like rape but i can explan how it feels.gave me some spells and he gives me wicked nightmares the only time i think hes ever remotly shown him self to others is when its really late at night or theres only me and one other in the room. i just want to know also if this could just be a typical ilness as everyone told me bacause it runs in my family or is it something i should be severly concerned about. thanks for your time.

Name: Matt
subm: Misc. Contact

Sub: me and my friends have been on cossart or "cul house" road many times, but have never seen the house, we have seen the trees, and the baby/skull tree, but never the house, lookout house, or the pickups, where is the house on the road? also, the "bloody speed limit sign" is just paint or something, i have seen it in the day light and at night, it is very decieving at night though. and gebby, channin is not scary, i have been in there with u. it is just dark and musty, and everyone plays pranks while we are in there. if u have any info on where the house is on the road, e-mail it to me please

Name: Franny
subm: Haunted Place Submission

Sub: Once i was on cossart road with my three friends and our
cars batterydied!! we had to pull over on the side of the road! i
was so scared all of a sudden a white old pick up truck came right
at us i jumped and the car swerved trying to hit me than drove away!
i was soooo scared i climbed into a tree myfriends hid in the brush
and my one friend got in the car!! then all of a sudden like thirty
motorcycles came ripping down the road! i had heard about hells
angels being down on cossart but i didnt think it was true..
they circled around my tree i was hiding in and one got off his bike
and screamed at me in german!! then all of a sudden they left

Name: Gebby
subm: Haunted Place Submission

Sub: On nammens road in wilmington de there is a closed down
school nammed channon me and my freinds have been in it numerous
times and all kinds of freaky stuff has happend if
you are intrested e-mail me

Name: morning bell
subm: Suggested Investigation
Sub: I see you have many sites listed in and around Philadelphia
and Allentown but have neglected the between part of these two areas,
Bucks County. The heart of Bucks County is chock full of energy,
Doylestown, New Hope, Buckingham, Solebury. Also Cape May in south
Jersey is swarming with spirits. To be specific there is a bookstore/news
stand in the Washington Street mall also numerous haunted resturaunts
and bed & breakfasts, I'm sure you'd have no problem staying at an
almost deserted B&B during the off season and there is even a walking
ghost tour, 2 actually but one is just a little too hoeky.

Name: Michelle
subm: Suggested Site Addition
Sub: I have lived in chadds ford my entire life and had always
heard the scary storys about cossart road one night my boyfriend
rick took me up there for a "haunted sleepover" i didnt know what
he meant so we parked his truck and he pitched a tent and we decided
to go sleep out i was so scared but rick wanted to prove to me that
there was nothing to be afraid of.. it was 2 am and first came
the noises.. i heard big cars zooming up and down the road it was
dark and i couldnt see, rick wanted to go get something from the
car and left me in the tent he didnt come back for about 20 min and when he
did he said that there was 2 white broncos surronding his truck.. so he hid
out in a nearby tree! thats why he didnt come back it scared us both
enough to go back to his house and make love into the night

Name: tony
subm: Suggested Investigation
Sub: Hey, there is this place on Long Island New York called Pilgrim State. Half of it is a hospital, and another half is a shut down Psychiatric Center. Its been closed for some time, and the place is huge. i've heard that the place is haunted by many people, and well, from the express way, the sheer size of the place sends chills down your back. I think its definetly worth exploring.

Name: Nick
subm: Misc. Contact

Sub: Someone wanted to know about midgetville, i think his name was mitch, anyway midgetville really does exist. My brother took me up there, its in pennsylvania, i dont know exzctly where, but close to aston. We saw there midget houses and midget barbeques. Everything looks normal, except its about half as small. You cant get in unless you hop a fence, which my friends did, and snuck in with a camera(with camoflauge so they wouldnt be seen) the pictures havent been developed, but im sure theyll be great when i see them. However the midgets do get very pissed off if you mess with them. If i find anything else ill get back to you with more info. -nick

Name: carol

Sub: Ive heard (by a alot of people) that the star of bethlehem site is haunted. The road to get to it is blocked off. It used to be a make out point, but teens in the 60's were getting murdered up there. Went up there and there was dead flowers at the foot of the star. Tells me somone died there.