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*winter Bayville sand*

My guiding lights are dimming fast

My view is obscured

I cant see how things will be

Who would I go to talk to?

Where would I find release?

What would my world come to?

I cant swallow this

There is no peace of mind

There is no sense of ease


As long as things go this way

I don’t see how I’ll be “okay”

Ill never be the same

My heart is pierced

No flesh wound compares

The pain of this reality is too surreal

These burdens I don’t want to bear


Things aren’t supposed to be this way

You’re supposed to be 25

Strong beautiful and so very alive

I’m supposed to be unable to hide

You were taller than me

This is the way it’s supposed to be

When we were 3 kids in a Levit family

When did that notion die?

When did this “sentence” reply?

Things shouldn’t be this way

Lets go back to Hicksville

Lets put up Christmas lights

Lets take Texas flights

And play all day in Bayville beach

Where harm will never reach…



ive got a bad feeling in my gut

something tells me loving you is tough

putting it all aside for now

the glare burns my eyes and i hold the wheel tight

soon enough ill take flight


the rain begins to pour

this feeling in my gut begins to stir

can't decipher your intentions

can't see the road ahead of me

i put it all aside

cause i have to get through this ride


and there are 110 reasons

why i shouldn't deal with any of this

and there are 110 pieces of proof

telling me theres so much more than what im going through


two ply blankets and rainy day conversations

two more reasons i can pull through this

knowing what i long for is not what i need


reassurance youll never see through yourself

im walking away undealt

im walking away from your baggage

i never asked to handle this
